Solar Tracking System Export Businesses in Greece
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Conergy is the only solar company worldwide that delivers synchronised solar systems. The system manufacturer produces all components needed for solar installation under one roof. Furthermore, all necessary services related to the solar plants come from one single source. With the modules, inverters and mounting systems, the company creates the Conergy System Technology Ð and through that an efficient and synchronised solar system for private or commercial solar rooftop systems, as well as for Megawatt-Parks. The Conergy System Services deliver the "Total Sleep-easy Package" for the Conergy System Technology. From the planning and financing to the engineering, installation and all the way to the monitoring, maintenance, operational and comm...
- Business type: pv system manufacturer, importer, exporter, wholesale supplier, retail sales, system integrator
- Product types: Synchronised solar systems, PV modules, solar trackers, grid inverters, PV mounting systems. .
- Service types: Our services include energy studies, project development, project financing, engineering/design, consulting, project management, system installation and maintenance /repair. We are specialized in facade and roof integrated PV systems. We are fully involved in the whole process from design to installation and we provide extensive consultation and supervision. Conergy offers the best possible customer service including telephone support, product seminars and technical trainings for our partners
- Address: Vouliagmenis Ave. 4, Glyfada (Athens), Attiki Greece 16675
- Telephone: +30 2109651800
- FAX: +30 2109630768
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Conergy
- Business type: wholesale supplier, system design, system installation, PV system integrator, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, DC to AC power inverters sine wave, packaged power systems, photovoltaic systems, solar tracking systems, wind turbines (small), PV- modules mounting systems, data loggers for PV systems..
- Service types: consulting, project development services
- Address: Sp. Merkouri 3, ATHENS, GREECE 11635
- Telephone: +49 7434 93980
- FAX: +49 7434 939833
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