Biomass Energy Retail Businesses in Italy

Efficienza energetica e fotovoltaico - Studio Fanfulla - Enereco Srl - Termocabi s. r. l. - RT Consulenze -

Efficienza energetica e fotovoltaico - Studio Fanfulla

Studio Fanfulla si occupa della progettazione di impianti di efficienza energetica, fotovoltaici, solari-termici, pompe di calore. Inoltre progetta impianti elettrici civili ed industriali e puà rilasciare tutte le certificazioni. Checkup e Audit energetico gratuito per tutti.

Enereco Srl

Enereco srl has a long experience of more than 20 years in the photovoltaic sector, both in Italy and abroad. We design, distribute and install photovoltaic systems, both grid-connected and stand-alone. We are official distributors of TRINA SOLAR, MITSUBISHI and SUNTECH pv modules. Concerning inverters we are official distributors of FRONIUS, POWER ONE and STUDER. We also distribute PHOCOS products. For further information we suggest you to visit our web site

Termocabi s. r. l.

Termocabi engages in research and development to create efficient and low environmental-impact biomass burners. At present our burner range includes models that work with wood pellets and a wide range of other biomasses. These burners are capable of covering a power range from 25 kW to 1 MW. New and innovative products are currently being developed for release in the near future.

RT Consulenze

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