Solar Electric Power System Financial Services Businesses in Italy
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Efficienza energetica e fotovoltaico - Studio Fanfulla - Amag Building Srl divisione Solare - EKOS S. r. l. - ETPnetwork - SIAT Energy spa - Studio Rinnovabili srl -
Efficienza energetica e fotovoltaico - Studio Fanfulla
Studio Fanfulla si occupa della progettazione di impianti di efficienza energetica, fotovoltaici, solari-termici, pompe di calore. Inoltre progetta impianti elettrici civili ed industriali e puà rilasciare tutte le certificazioni. Checkup e Audit energetico gratuito per tutti.
- Business type: retail sales, electric utility
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, LED lighting, energy efficient homes and buildings, biomass energy systems.
- Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment service, financial services, maintenance and repair services,...
- Address: Via Mons. Giovanni Rossi, San Lorenzo Maggiore, Italy 82030
- Telephone: +390824813468
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Efficienza energetica e fotovoltaico - Studio Fanfulla
Amag Building Srl divisione Solare
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, solar water heating systems.
- Service types: installation, engineering
- Address: Via Cisternese 1, Lanuvio (rm), Italy 00040
- Telephone: +390693730077
- FAX: +390693730129
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Amag Building Srl divisione Solare
EKOS S. r. l.
Importatori diretti :Impianti Fotovoltaici in MonocristallinoImpianti Solari Termici in tubo sottovuotoImpianti di climatizzazione in pompa di calore Progettisti e/o consulentiServizio pre post vendita finanziamenti e assicurazioni
- Business type: importer
- Product types: photovoltaic modules monocrystalline silicon, photovoltaic systems residential, photovoltaic systems commercial, solar water heating components collectors evacuated tube, tankless water heating systems, CLIMATIZZATORI IN POMPA DI CALORE.
- Address: via Bassi 81, Fiume Veneto, PN Italy 33080
- Telephone: 0434561102
- FAX: 0434561380
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to EKOS S. r. l.
ETP is a network formed by industries, research centers and professionals with a strong backgrounds and with an underlying commitment to Renewable Energy and its role in providing clean, reliable energy in the future. The network is dedicated to the provision of renewable plants and effective advice to allow clients to maximise both commercial and environmental added value. This is achieved through the integration of Renewable Energy technology within their operations and products. The network contains the expertise to advise on the role Renewable Energy can play in a client's business and also project manage its implementation within agreed budgets and timescales. It has established a client orientated presence in the market place, committ...
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: biomass energy biofuel, cogeneration systems, photovoltaic systems, solar thermal energy, waste to energy systems, solar cooling.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, contractor services
- Address: 38, via Trani, Corato, Bari Italy 70033
- Telephone: +39. 338. 8493852
- FAX: +39. 178271. 3268
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to ETPnetwork
SIAT Energy spa
- Business type: renewable energy
- Product types: "turn-key" photovoltaic systems Monoaxial and biaxial solar trackers.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services, education and training services, financial services, contractor services
- Address: Via Serenari 1/A, Castel MAggiore - Bologna, Italy 40013
- Telephone: ++39 051 6326011
- FAX: ++39 051 6326000
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to SIAT Energy spa
Studio Rinnovabili srl
An independent consulting engineering firm offering consultancy services for all stages of projects world-wide in the fields of Reneable Energy, Environment and Technology.
- Business type: independent consulting
- Product types: wind power plants, photovoltaic systems, hydro energy systems (large), hydro energy systems (small), biomass energy systems, computer software, Wind energy anemometry.
- Service types: Desing, Technical Due diligence, Consulting
- Address: Via Lagrange 1, Rome, Italy Italy 00197
- Telephone: +39.068079555
- FAX: +39.0680693106
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Studio Rinnovabili srl
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