Sealed Lead Acid Battery Businesses in Kenya

320 Technologies - EcoSolar Options Ltd - Go Solar Systems Ltd - Interchange Kenya Ltd -

320 Technologies

We provide power backup systems, renewable energy, water pumping solutions and solar solutions. We have a team of dedicated members of staff that are experts in what they do to give the best practicable results. our technicians are ERC licensed Contact us now for a Quote

EcoSolar Options Ltd

We are well established and experienced swimming pool, water solutions and renewable energy company based in Nairobi, Kenya with regional business presence across the entire east africa region namely Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

Go Solar Systems Ltd

Go solar systems ltd providing efficient, reliable and cost effective solar equipment to the eastern africa region, .

Interchange Kenya Ltd

Our mission is to transform consumers from the convectional energy sources to clean, cheaper, greener energy by use of our Eco friendly products. Thus save cash, save the planet with Captain Green Products.

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