Water Filtering And Purification System Component Businesses in Mexico
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Mexico |
Water Filtering And Purification System Component Businesses in the World |
ETC de Las Americas, S.A. de C.V. -
ETC de Las Americas, S.A. de C.V.
- Business type: importer
- Product types: air filtering and purification systems, waste treatment systems, water filtering and purification system components, water filtering and purification systems. Industrial resource recovery systems: Waste acid recycling, waste metal chip recycling, wastewater recycling, machine coolant recycling..
- Address: Irlanda 158 Col. Villa Olimpica Ote., Saltillo, Coahuila Mexico 25230
- Telephone: +52-844-4156454
- FAX: +52-844-4150797
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