Renewable Energy Testing Services Businesses in New Zealand

Power Technology Components Ltd - Solarwind Technologies Ltd. -

Power Technology Components Ltd

Batteries: Lithium ion batteries Sealed lead acid batteries NiCd Batteries Lithium polymer batteries Renewable Energy Systems: Solar Power Systems and Accessories Wind Generation Systems Micro Hydro Systems Inverters Inverter Chargers Charge Controllers Other Power Systems: Backup power systems Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) sales and service Petrol and Diesel Generation Systems 750 Watts to 40 MVA Frequency Converters Air Craft Ground Power Supplies to 800 kVA

Solarwind Technologies Ltd.

The company is situated on the outskirts of New Plymouth in Taranaki, New Zealand and is involved principally with the importation and the wholesale and retail distribution of alternative energy products ranging from Solar Panels, Hydro Turbines, Wind Turbines and associated Controllers, Inverters and Deep Discharge Storage Batteries etc. . They are the nominated New Zealand distributors of several large and important Chinese alternative energy manufacturers, with some products sourced from the US and West Germany. .

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Momentum Technologies LLC

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