Biomass Energy Design Businesses in Romania
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Romania |
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Earth Friends - Renewables Invest -
Earth Friends
Earth Friends is an environmental non-profit NGO promoting sustainable development. Earth Friends made aware public and decision makers on preservation of World resources. Promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, Earh Friends act for the improvement of the environmental factors through pollutant emissions reduction.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: alternative home and building construction materials, alternative fuel vehicles, biomass energy systems, photovoltaic systems, solar collector systems.
- Address: Str. Portului 25, bloc Siret 4, sc. 7, ap. 109, Galati, Galati Romania 6200
- Telephone: +40-236-462564
Renewables Invest
- Business type: renewables projects
- Product types: Hydro energy systems (small), Wind energy systems (small), biomass energy systems, photovoltaic systems. .
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services
- Address: Victor Hugo 44, Timisoara, Timis Romania 300439
- Telephone: 0040 727 008 238 ; 0040 769 036 974
- FAX: 0040 256 64 64 96
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