Solar Energy Engineering Businesses in Romania

AeroSolar - AlpinFun SRL - Ascora Ecoterm - ASON TRADING srl - Carpat Energy s. r. l. - Cheso - Solar Water heating, Solar PV Modules - CYCLON TECH Srl - ECOVOLT srl - Enérgica Iberodacica srl - Horus Energie Alternativa - InterGreen - ITAL WATT S. r. l. - IUCO Top s. r. l. - Qset Energy SRL - Rufy Roof Engineering SRL - S. C Solar Eco System S. R. L - S. C. Pomarione Comp S. R. L. - S. C. Switch Solar S. R. L. - SMG Group - Solanna Investment srl - Solar Energy SRL - Solarcom Industrial - Tehnomir - Terra Management & Development Group SRL - ACTIV CONSTRUCT srl - Renewables Invest - SC IB Inginer Birou SRL -


Projects, sales & installation wind & solar & Fuel Cell Generator power plants in Romania... Proiectam, executam, importam, vindem si instalam centrale eoliene si solare si Fuel Cell Generatoare la cheie in Romania.

AlpinFun SRL

Ascora Ecoterm

Renewable energy products provider, distributor and installer.


Looking for partner, we want to sell some % to an investor. Importer for: solar heating systems, wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. Six years experience in selling solar heating systems, stand alone installations with photovoltaic panels and small wind turbines. The best prices in Romania, the first quality. We are looking for partnership to develope our company and our activities.

Carpat Energy s. r. l.

Cheso - Solar Water heating, Solar PV Modules

CHESO was established in 1998 and is now a significant provider of high quality and excellent value PV solutions, solar water heater panels, wind turbine. We address the issues of the individual customer, both small businesses as well as the large corporates. The combination of keen pricing, attention to detail and, above all, our superior and friendly customer service, has proved to be a compelling proposition. We are wholesalers and distributors of some of the world's best known solar energy products. We continue to add to our range of products across the re. . . By developing highly effective solutions, and created an enviable reputation for exceptional expertise, industry knowledge and quality of service. CHESO has access to a great res...



Turbinele Eoliene sunt una din cele mai vechi forme de energie alternativa utilizata in lume folosite pentru pomparea apei, irigatii pana la generatoarele electrice de astazi. Dispunem de tehnologia care va transforma forta vantului in lumina si caldura. Panourile solare fotovoltice sunt una cele mai populare surse de energie alternativa folosita pentru sistemele electrice private si industriale. Turbine hidro - cea mai ieftina energie verde. Avem tehnologia care va aduce curent electric acolo unde nu a existat niciodata.

Enérgica Iberodacica srl

Horus Energie Alternativa


You can find here all products of alternative energy. Don t forget: The sun and the wind do not send invoices.

ITAL WATT S. r. l.

IUCO Top s. r. l.

Qset Energy SRL

QSet ENERGY, was formed to execute on a grass roots campaign, "RENEW THE NATION", to help redeploy a portion of the Romania work force and focus on reducing the world's dependence on fossil fuels by selling solar thermal, photovoltaic (PV) technologies, wind technologies or lighting systems, while building a profitable company.

Rufy Roof Engineering SRL

S. C Solar Eco System S. R. L

S. C. Pomarione Comp S. R. L.

S. C. Switch Solar S. R. L.

SMG Group

Solanna Investment srl

Solar Energy SRL

O varianta de incalzire care ia amploare pe piata romaneasca unde in sfarsit romania se va putea bucura de un produs de calitate internationala a unei firme de prestigiu ce activeaza pe piata de peste 42 de ani. Deoarece criza financiara si criza de energie afecteaza din ce in ce mai mult populatia, oamenii vor gasi un sfarsit un raspuns in rezolvarea acestor probleme si anume: energia solara, care are la baza atat aspectul economic cat si ecologic al utilizarii energiei solare pentru incalzirea apei, in acest moment fiind cel mai raspandit in lume.

Solarcom Industrial

Solarcom comercializeaza panouri si colectoare solare pentru producerea de apa calda cu costuri zero!. Cele mai ieftine colectoare si panouri solare cu tuburi vidate! www. solarcom. ro


Terra Management & Development Group SRL


Renewables Invest

SC IB Inginer Birou SRL

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