Biomass Energy Manufacturers in Spain

Zytech - Geotermia y Biomasa - Dracsl -


Zytech is a Spanish Group manufacturer of renewable energy products (PV modules, Solar Thermo collectors, mini wind turbines). We have expanded and opened our own factory in China and in Spain. From our own factories we produce PV panels, Solar thermo systems and Mini Eolic generators. Our headquarters in Spain, and our offices in Germany, France, Italy, Benelux, Hong Kong, Mexico, USA and Chile commercialize the Zytech products worldwide.

Geotermia y Biomasa

En nuestra empresa el cliente obtiene la solucià n que mejor se adapta a las condiciones de su proyecto. Somos expertos en energà a solar, aerotermia, geotermia y biomasa, lo que nos permite ofrecer la solucià n a cada problema energético. Viviendas unifamiliares, edificios de viviendas y comunidades de vecinos, industrias, empresas y edificios de uso colectivo pðblicos o privados. Nos hemos formado y adquirido experiencia en Suiza, Alemania e Italien las técnicas y metodologà as mÃÁs avanzadas aportando a España estos conocimientos. Somos Empresa de Servicios Energéticos en GEOTCASA en IDAE, en el fomento de la implantacià n de la energà a geotérmica y la Biomasa. La calidad en AKITER se basa en el objetivo de la plena satisfaccià n ...


DRAC, S. L. was founded in 1991 in Barcelona and it has now delegations in Madrid, Bilbao, Vigo and Seville. The rest of Spain and more over Portugal is served by agents. DRAC is a leader in spare parts for burners and boilers, in accessories for the installation and the regulation of heating, in home and profesional appliances of air conditioning, and entered strongly in renewable energies, especially with stoves, thermo stoves and pellet-firing boilers biomass, and the uppers for the control and the improvement of the performances of solar installation.

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