Wind Energy Engineering Businesses in Spain

Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica S.A. - Geotermia y Biomasa - Anelion Smart Power - IM2 Systems S.L. - Ingeniería para el Control del Ruido - Juan y David Bornay, S.L. - Molins De Vent Tarrago - MPbata Energy, Environment, and Engineering - Soluciones Energeticas S.A. (SOLENER) - Sonkyo Energy - ABB TRAFO, S.A. - INDAR SUN INGENIEROS - Ingetur S.a - METEOSIM SL -

Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica S.A.

Gamesa is a company specializing in sustainable energy technologies, mainly wind power. Gamesa is the market leader in Spain and is positioned among the most important wind generator manufacturers in the world with a market share in 2007 upper 15%. Gamesa has installed almost 13,000 MW of its main product lines in 20 countries spread out over four continents. The annual equivalent of this production amounts to more than 2.78 million tons of petroleum (TEP)/year and prevents the emission into the atmosphere of more than 20.6 million tones of CO /year. With a portfolio of more than 21,000 MW of wind power being promoted in Europe, America and Asia and branches in 13 countries, Gamesa is well positioned as one of the world's most important companies in the promotion and development of wind farms.

Geotermia y Biomasa

En nuestra empresa el cliente obtiene la solucià n que mejor se adapta a las condiciones de su proyecto. Somos expertos en energà a solar, aerotermia, geotermia y biomasa, lo que nos permite ofrecer la solucià n a cada problema energético. Viviendas unifamiliares, edificios de viviendas y comunidades de vecinos, industrias, empresas y edificios de uso colectivo pðblicos o privados. Nos hemos formado y adquirido experiencia en Suiza, Alemania e Italien las técnicas y metodologà as mÃÁs avanzadas aportando a España estos conocimientos. Somos Empresa de Servicios Energéticos en GEOTCASA en IDAE, en el fomento de la implantacià n de la energà a geotérmica y la Biomasa. La calidad en AKITER se basa en el objetivo de la plena satisfaccià n ...

Anelion Smart Power

Anelion designs and manufactures Small Wind Turbines (SWTs), where has developed a very advanced design concept, based in the combination of a simplified mechanical design and a highly advanced machine electronic control strategy, which makes Anelion's SWTs best in class for productivity, reliability, and profitability. Anelion as well designs advanced software for its renewable energy solutions, such Direct Water Pumping, Self-Consumption Systems, and Off-Grid Systems, where an advanced control software makes the system more efficient, meeting the customer requirements with a lower investment, improving the competitiveness and therefore reducing the LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) while increasing customers' profitability. Anelion is also ...

IM2 Systems S.L.

IM2 Systems is an Engineering - Consulting firm specialized in designing, installing and controlling renewable energy systems. Our main activities are in the field of business consultancy, photovoltaic technologies (grid-connected, stand-alone systems, thin-film technologies, architecture integration), solar thermal industry and household wind power systems. IM2 Systems is currently focusing its efforts on fuel cells and hydrogen.

Ingeniería para el Control del Ruido

ICR, International Acoustic Engineering, solves problems of noise and vibrations. Its main priorities are three: consulting, R & D and training. ICR has achieved an important position in the acoustic engineering for wind energy sector, thanks to its prediction techniques, based on real measurements and the application of the company's own theoretical methods.

Juan y David Bornay, S.L.

Spanish first manufacturer of Windturbines between 60 W and 12 Kw, with an experience of more than 25 years and more than 1300 windturbines working in 13 countries.

Molins De Vent Tarrago

Manufacture, comercialization and sales of windmills to pump water.

MPbata Energy, Environment, and Engineering

The environmental challenge has heightened the importance of energy efficiency, renewable energy, thermal solar energy, and photovoltaic solar energy. Protection of the environment requires engineering and consulting companies that develop high-quality projects responding to these new necessities. MPbataís principal activities are environment, energy, and engineering. With its headquarters in Barcelona, MPbata works with highly qualified engineers to complete projects related to the environment and energy in the region of Catalonia.

Soluciones Energeticas S.A. (SOLENER)

Sonkyo Energy

The small wind revolution, reliable, economical and quiet. WINDSPOT evolving.



Ingetur S.a


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