Renewable Energy Businesses in Spain by Business Name Starting with G
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Spain |
Renewable Energy Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with G |
Business Names Starting with G
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Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica S.A. - Geotermia y Biomasa - G. M. P. Montajes Eléctricos, S. A - Gaia Energías Renovables S. L. - Galisol Renovables de Galicia, S. C. G. - Gamma Solutions, S. L. - Gamo Energías SL - Gamon Innovacion S. L. - Garanova Proyectos Renovables - García Ferrero Hnos S. L. - GC Enercat SLU - Generaciones Fotovoltáicas de La Mancha S. L. - Generador-electrico. Com - General Eléctrica Onubense S. L. - Generario Fotovoltaica SL - Genyal Soluciones de Energia S. A. - Geo Solar S. L. - Geonica, Sa - GeoPro Design - Geotermalia - Gerosol Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas S. L. - Gestamp Solar S. A. - Gestión e Instalaciones del Sur, S. L. - Gestionna Soluciones Energéticas, SL - GierSolar SL - Gisolar Segle XXI S. L - Global Gateways - Global Link, S. L. - Globaltek Sistemas S. L. - Go4SolarNow - Gorosabel Solar Energy - Granada Solar -
Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica S.A.
Gamesa is a company specializing in sustainable energy technologies, mainly wind power. Gamesa is the market leader in Spain and is positioned among the most important wind generator manufacturers in the world with a market share in 2007 upper 15%. Gamesa has installed almost 13,000 MW of its main product lines in 20 countries spread out over four continents. The annual equivalent of this production amounts to more than 2.78 million tons of petroleum (TEP)/year and prevents the emission into the atmosphere of more than 20.6 million tones of CO /year.With a portfolio of more than 21,000 MW of wind power being promoted in Europe, America and Asia and branches in 13 countries, Gamesa is well positioned as one of the world's most important companies in the promotion and development of wind farms.
- Stock Symbol: Bolsa de Madrid : ES:GAM
- Business type: manufacturer, developer
- Product types: wind turbines, wind farms - wind power plants.
- Address: Ramon y Cajal 7-9, 01007 Vitoria, Alava Spain
- Telephone: (+34) 944818190
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica S.A.
Geotermia y Biomasa
En nuestra empresa el cliente obtiene la solucià n que mejor se adapta a las condiciones de su proyecto. Somos expertos en energà a solar, aerotermia, geotermia y biomasa, lo que nos permite ofrecer la solucià n a cada problema energético. Viviendas unifamiliares, edificios de viviendas y comunidades de vecinos, industrias, empresas y edificios de uso colectivo pðblicos o privados. Nos hemos formado y adquirido experiencia en Suiza, Alemania e Italien las técnicas y metodologà as mÃĮs avanzadas aportando a España estos conocimientos. Somos Empresa de Servicios Energéticos en GEOTCASA en IDAE, en el fomento de la implantacià n de la energà a geotérmica y la Biomasa. La calidad en AKITER se basa en el objetivo de la plena satisfaccià n ...
- Business type: manufacturer, publisher, distributor
- Product types: biomass energy systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, geothermal energy systems, air cooling systems, wind energy assessment equipment, Geotermia.
- Service types: consulting, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment service, maintenance and repair services, recycling servi...
- Address: Avenida General Villalba, 12, Toledo, Toledo Spain 45003
- Telephone: 925285246
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Geotermia y Biomasa
G. M. P. Montajes Eléctricos, S. A
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/ Gregorio Marañón S/N Pol. Industrial El Almendral 29320 Campillos(Málaga), Spain
- Telephone: +34 952 722250
- FAX: +34 952 726024
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to G. M. P. Montajes Eléctricos, S. A
Gaia Energías Renovables S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/ Cardenal Gil de Albornoz, 18 E-45600 Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), Spain
- Telephone: +34 925 681960
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gaia Energías Renovables S. L.
Galisol Renovables de Galicia, S. C. G.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Calle Cesareo Gonzalez, 23 - Bajo, Vigo, Spain
- Telephone: +34 986 416552
- FAX: +34 986 419740
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Galisol Renovables de Galicia, S. C. G.
Gamma Solutions, S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Benjamín Outram N° 4 28919 Š Leganés Madrid, Spain
- Telephone: + 34 915 258800
- FAX: + 34 916 940611
- Web Site:
Gamo Energías SL
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/ Vertical 2», nave 9, Polígono Industrial "El Montalvo III", 371888 Carbajosa de la Sagrada (Salamanca), Spain
- Telephone: +34 923 191903
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gamo Energías SL
Gamon Innovacion S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/Manuel Cortina, 13 28010 Madrid, Spain
- Telephone: +34 91 5944851
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gamon Innovacion S. L.
Garanova Proyectos Renovables
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Ibáñez de Bilbao 10-1° izda., 48001 Bilbao, Spain
- Telephone: +34 94 6002900
- FAX: +34 94 6008400
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Garanova Proyectos Renovables
García Ferrero Hnos S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/ Miguel Delibes 34, 49600 Benavente, Zamora, Spain
- Telephone: +34 980 632719
- FAX: +34 980 633504
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to García Ferrero Hnos S. L.
GC Enercat SLU
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Sant Ferran, 45, 08700 Igualada, Spain
- Telephone: +34 93 8017220
- FAX: +34 93 8017221
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GC Enercat SLU
Generaciones Fotovoltáicas de La Mancha S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Calle Garnacha 14, La Villa De Don Fadrique, 45850 (TOLEDO), Spain
- Telephone: +34 925195784
- FAX: +34 925204906
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Generaciones Fotovoltáicas de La Mancha S. L.
Generador-electrico. Com
Wholesale and Retail suplier of renewable energy products. Photovoltaics, Wind, inverters, chargers, batteries and electric vehicles. gas conversion kits.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: wind energy systems (small), solar cooking systems, wind turbines (small), hybrid electric vehicles, electric scooters, photovoltaic modules.
- Address: PO Box 198, Ronda, Malaga Spain 29400
- Telephone: ++34 952 874 195
- FAX: ++34 952 874 195
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Generador-electrico. Com
General Eléctrica Onubense S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Avenida las Palmeras N°6 21001, Huelva, 21001, Spain
- Telephone: +34 959 540550
- FAX: +34 959 286077
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to General Eléctrica Onubense S. L.
Generario Fotovoltaica SL
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C. Parellades, 6 1B, 07003 Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain
- Telephone: +34 971 761870
- FAX: +34 971 752176
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Generario Fotovoltaica SL
Genyal Soluciones de Energia S. A.
- Product types: photovoltaic module mounting systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems ground mount, photovoltaic module mounting systems roof mount.
- Address: Estrada de Lameiro, N°44 36214, Vigo, Spain
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Genyal Soluciones de Energia S. A.
Geo Solar S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C. Rafael Tenes Escrich, 21, 46035, Valencia, Spain
- Telephone: +34 963 407420
- FAX: +34 963 407413
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Geo Solar S. L.
Geonica, Sa
Our New Data Logger Model METEODATA-2000C continuously measures, stores and transmits meteorological data to a Central Computer via built-in cellular GSM/GPRS modem in real time.WEB Posting is also a useful solution. In the case of wind or solar energy essessment and wind or solar farms , the remote unit can detect and report pre-programmed alarm conditions, such as system or equipment failures , out-of-range performance levels, maintenance alerts or security breaches. When an alarm condition occurs the Remote Unit 2000C automatically contacts predetermined destinations ( e-mails to computers or SMS messages to cellular phones ) to notify personnel of the location and nature of the alarm. The remote Station allows also the measurement o...
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: Data Loggers & Data Acquisition and Transmission Units for a reliable WIND AND SOLAR RESOURCE ASSESSMENT. Complete Solutions for Meteorological , Hydrological and Environmental Monitoring Networks and Systems ( WEB Posting ).
- Service types: design, installation, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Alejandro Rodriguez, 22-24, Madrid, Spain 28039
- Telephone: +34 91 450 51 18
- FAX: +34 91 459 46 14
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Geonica, Sa
GeoPro Design
GeoPro Design is a provider of turn key geothermal installations, as well as offering innovative geothermal system design solutions for projects on both a commercial and residential scale. Our team work very closely with development managers, architects, property owners, engineers, and contractors to assist in the design and implementation of geothermal projects. The key objectives of the company are to offer residential and commercial customers an environmentally friendly energy source for their heating, cooling requirements, along with designing the complete system.
- Product types: geothermal energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation
- Address: Truman Capote 87, Javea, Alicante Spain 03730
- Telephone: 902887093
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GeoPro Design
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Avd de la Filosofía, N° 15, Portal 6, Atico B, 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe (Sevilla), Spain
- Telephone: +34 955 986113
- Web Site:
Gerosol Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/Teruel, 3, 26006 Logroño, Spain
- Telephone: +34 941 252543
- FAX: +34 941 275949
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gerosol Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas S. L.
Gestamp Solar S. A.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/. Ombú, 3 - 2nd floor 28045 Madrid, Spain
- Telephone: +34 911 770010
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gestamp Solar S. A.
Gestión e Instalaciones del Sur, S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/Didero, 9, Nave 48-B, Polígono Industrial Guadalhorce, 29004 Málaga, Spain
- Telephone: +34 952 170554
- FAX: +34 952 240685
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gestión e Instalaciones del Sur, S. L.
Gestionna Soluciones Energéticas, SL
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Avenida de Bonn, 13 28028 Madrid, Spain
- Telephone: +34 91 4353809
- FAX: +34 91 4314680
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gestionna Soluciones Energéticas, SL
GierSolar SL
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/ Rio Fahala 23, 29120 Alhaurín el Grande, Málaga (España), Spain
- Telephone: +34 952 490605
- FAX: +34 952 490605
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to GierSolar SL
Gisolar Segle XXI S. L
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: 6, J Street Polígon Industrial Pont-Xetmar 17844 - Cornellà del Terri, Spain
- Telephone: +34 660 298913
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gisolar Segle XXI S. L
Global Gateways
Global Gateways carbon negative solutions working against climate change to create renewable energy by waste recycling in our waste-to-energy carbon negative powerplant.
- Business type: wholesale supplier, electric utility
- Product types: waste treatment systems, combined heat and power systems residential, combined heat and power systems industrial, gas turbine electric generators, steam turbine electric generators, waste to energy systems, biochar.
- Service types: recycling services
- Address: Parque Technologico de Andalucia, Calle Marie Curie 5, Málaga, Málaga Spain 29590
- Telephone: +34 952020351
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Global Gateways
Global Link, S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: C/El Redondel, 81, 19005 Guadalajara, Spain
- Telephone: +34 949 217000
- FAX: +34 949 216900
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Global Link, S. L.
Globaltek Sistemas S. L.
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Poli. Indusrial El Colador, C/ Islas Canaras, 28 12200 Onda, Castellón, Spain
- Telephone: +34 964770715
- FAX: +34 663931244
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Globaltek Sistemas S. L.
Design and supply of Solar Electrical Systems for remote homes in Spain, design and supply of solar power systems. Solar Powered Water pumping solutions. Individual online sales of SOlar Equipments. * Business Type: Solar Energy, remote power, retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer* Product Types: Specialist in Remote Solar Power solutions, solar electric power systems, solar water heating systems, solar power, solar electric. Generators, Diesel generators, Solar pumps, solar electricity. PV panels, * Service Types: design, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, distributor
- Product types: backup power systems, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, solar tracking systems, solar pool heating systems, batteries lead acid flooded, Diesel Generators, :LPG Generators.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services
- Address: Los Escandeles No 29, Jumilla, Murcia Spain 30520
- Telephone: 0034 652 439 579
- Web Site:
Gorosabel Solar Energy
- Product types: photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment, photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment panel turn-key production line crystalline, photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment framing equipment.
- Address: Kurutzgain Industrialdea, 4 E-20850 Mendaro (Gipuzkoa). , Spain
- Telephone: +34 943 757007
- FAX: +34 943 748349
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Gorosabel Solar Energy
Granada Solar
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, inverters.
- Address: Urbanizacion San Diego, 33, 18120 Alhama de Granada, Spain
- Telephone: +34 958 360560
- FAX: +34 958 360560
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Granada Solar
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