Appliance Import Businesses in Sri Lanka

SELCO Solar Lanka Limited - S&S Engineering Services Company (Pvt) Ltd., -

SELCO Solar Lanka Limited

SELCO Solar Lanka Limited (SSLL) is a premier solar service provider in Sri Lanka which started its solar operations way back in 1995 as an NGO to be incorporated in 1997 as RESCO Asia Limited and became SELCO Solar Lanka Limited in 2001. SSLL operates through fully fledged, fully owned 07 branches located in strategic locations to cover almost the entire country. SSLL has installed over 14,500 Solar Home Systems (SHS) thus far and SELCO Lanka is very glad to declare that it is the first solar service provider in the country to be accredited with the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 quality standard on Management Excellence. SSLL, being a responsible corporate citizen of Sri Lanka, believes that the task is not accomplished once the SHS is install...

S&S Engineering Services Company (Pvt) Ltd.,

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