Solar Water Heating System Manufacturers in Turkey

Bural Isitma Dis Tic Ltd Sti - - Gokcek Muhendislik - 1A Solar Energy Systems - Baymak A.S - Bilgen Solar Energy Systems - Dagsan A.S. - Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S - Diko Elektrikli Cihazlar San. ve Tic. A. S - Güne Enerji Sistemleri - Istek Solar Thermal Systems Inc. - Kodsan Kazan A.S. - Kuzeymak - Manufacturer & Exporter of the Solar Systems - Merit Ltd - Metal Endustri A. S. - Ouraset Solar Thermal Systems - Ozkan Solar - Sergun Solar Energy Systems - Sim ek Günej Enerji Sistemleri - SOLAR ISI SISTEMLERI A.S. - Solimpeks Solar Energy Systems Co. - Sunstrip Turkiye - Sunturk - Baymak A. S. - Burak Inox Solar System - CAN METAL A.S. - Ceren Engineering - Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S. - Efsun Metal Ltd. - Elit Renewable Energies Ltd. Co. - Kodsan A.S -

Bural Isitma Dis Tic Ltd Sti

Reliable supplier of solar water heaters and Biomass Systems with 20 years of experience. Solar Water Heaters, Solar Collectors, DHW Tanks, Biomass Heating Systems and Biomass Stoves are our main products. High performance and long durability is the main characteristics of our products. We have so many products in operation for years of years worldwide.

Gokcek Muhendislik

we are manufacturin vacuum tubes solar water heater. 24s 30s 36s 40s vacuum tubes boilers. Also we are manufacturing tubes.

1A Solar Energy Systems

We produce solar thermal systems, solar air heating systems

Baymak A.S

Baymak is a corporate firm with a western company culture having a 36 years of experience. It is a leading industrial and marketing company in the national and international field with a wide range of product, effective vendor and service organisation and young dynamic managers. Baymak A.S. was established in 1967 in the Kartal District, Istanbul. During the first years valves were manufactured in the factory, followed by burners, and then thermosyphons, gravity tanks and storey heating. With its 14,000m2 area, 6,000m2 of which being covered, Baymak now delivers the best service in soonest time and with highest quality through 200 personnel , over 1000 vendors organisations and 450 authorised service stations.

Bilgen Solar Energy Systems

We are manufacturing solar energy panels with ultrasonically welding. 4mm. prismatic galass Isolated with glasswoll or polyuretane

Dagsan A.S.

Dagsan energy system industry and trade company is a company which has been producing solar heating collectors, tanks and accessories for 20 years in Turkey. During the past 5 years we have been able to constantly expand our export programme. We are planning to do business with firms that interested in solar water heater products. We await your reply with great interest.

Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S

Diko Elektrikli Cihazlar San. ve Tic. A. S

Diko Co. being always concentrated in absolute customer satisfaction presently continues its production of residential wall hung, industrial floor standing, special single serpentine thermo-boiler and boiler type of water heaters, solar boilers, marine type electrical water heaters with a wide selection of available capacities starting from 10 Liters up to 10. 000 Liters. Please contact us for further information or visit our web page.

Güne Enerji Sistemleri

nsano lunun gün geçtikte katlanarak artan enerji ihtiyacõ, "fosil yakõtlara ba õmlõ olma" korkusunu beraberinde getirmektedir. Ba ta Avrupa olmak üzere enerji ihtiyacõnõ büyük oranda fosil ve ithal yakõtlarla kar õlamaya çalõ an ülkeler, YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'nin önemini fark etmekte ve bu yönde ciddi adõmlar atmaktadõrlar. Fosil yakõtlardaki önlenemezfiyatartõ larõ ve buna dair gelecek beklentilerindeki belirsizlik YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'ye yönelimi zorunlu kõlmaktadõr. Güne enerji sistemleri fiyatlarõfirmalarõnürünlerine göre de i mektedir. Kimi firma kaliteden ödün vermeden üretim yaparken kimiside malzemenin kötüsünden ürünlerini üretip satmaktadõr. Biliçli tüketicilerin bu kurnazca yapõlan hilye uymamasõ lazõm ortada alõnacak bir ürün v...

Istek Solar Thermal Systems Inc.


Kodsan Kazan A.S.


Trust us as long as the sun rises. .

Manufacturer & Exporter of the Solar Systems

We are manufacturer of the LED&Solar street lighting, Solar highway lighting, Solar lighting fixture, Solar street lighting fixture, Solar outdoor lighting, Solar park and garden lights, Led street lighting, Led highway lighting, Led lighting fixture, Led street lighting fixture, Outdoor led lighting, Led park and garden lights, Supplier of the hot dip galvanised lighting poles and Industrial Batteries,

Merit Ltd

More than 500, 000 collectors running since 1979, first solar water heating collectors producer of Turkey

Metal Endustri A. S.

Founded in 1972 in the metal industry sector, our company, Metal Endustri A. S., has been manufacturing solar water heating systems under the brand name OZBEK.

Ouraset Solar Thermal Systems

OURASET is the engineering company and manufacturer of solar thermal systems recognized in Europe for delivering high quality, cost effective solutions for residential and industrial applications of solar energy. Ouraset products are currently tested and certified by such eminent international institutions as INTA, CENER, SOLAR KEYMARK (Certif), ISO 9001:2000 (Niszert) and by 2008 on the roofs of 18 countries accross the world. With highly skilled and bilingual engineers ready to promptly and precisely respond to all your particular requests Ouraset is certainly one of your most reliable partners in Solar Water Heating Systems in Europe.

Ozkan Solar

Solar water heating system, Boilers, Tube evacuated systems, Panel ( Collectors ) systems, pressured systems-nonpressured systems, auliminium-copper-selective panels.

Sergun Solar Energy Systems

Sim ek Günej Enerji Sistemleri

Do ayõ kirletmeden õsõnmanõn yolu im ek'ten geçer. im ek Güne Kollektörleri kullanõmõndan yõllar sonra bile sadece silindi inde fabrikadan ilk gün çõkmõ hissi uyandõrõr. Buda im ek Güne Kollektörlerinin üretim safhasõnda gösterilen üstün özenin simgesidir. güne enerji sistemleri Kollektörlerini bir defa alõrsõnõz ve yõllarca kullansanõz bile ilk günkü performansõ bulursunuz. im ek olarak biz; üretti imiz binlerce ürünün her birinin ayrõ bir kullanõcõ tarafõndan tekil kullanõlaca õnõn bilincinde, her bir ürünümüzü bir tek üretimmi gibi dü ünerek üretiyoruz. Üretimin her a amasõnda Nasõl daha kaliteli olabilir? sorusunu kendimize defalarca soruyor ve garanti süresinden önce yada sonra arõza geri dönü ü yapacak herhangi bir ürünün mad...


Aluminium collectors, copper collectors (with tempered or low ironed tempered glass,selective absorber) PANEL RADIATORS

Solimpeks Solar Energy Systems Co.

Solimpeks Solar Energy Corp., is a high quality solar thermal, hybrid collector and boiler manufacturer with the three generations of experience, holding 18 certificates of quality such as Solarkeymark, SP, SRCC, FSEC, Sei, ISFH, Inta, ISO 9001:2000, Cener, TÜV Cert etc. Solimpeks is a leading producermanufacturer with over 50 types of collectors and presently exporting to 60 countries.

Sunstrip Turkiye

Welcome to Sunstrip/Turkiye, Sunstrip Turkiye develops, manufactures and markets strips and absorbers. Today Sunstrip Turkiye is one of the nation's leading supplier to large solar collector fields -Sunstrip utilizes cutting-edge technology for the products, and with the launching of the fullplate absorber Lazerplate in 2002, became complete suppliers of strips and absorber materials for both large solar collectors and for smaller domestic collector systems. SUNSTRIP TR at its 2000 sqm facility located in 2nd. Organised Industrial Zone / Konya, is the exclusive licensee producer of Sunstrip absorbers in Turkiye, supplying world-class absorber components to local solar collector manufacturers. Our objective is to provide local and regio...


Sunturk has a mission to protect our environment by helping people while servicing high quality well designed solar systems. Sole energy the Sun, in your hands by Sunturk..

Baymak A. S.

Burak Inox Solar System


Ceren Engineering

Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S.

Efsun Metal Ltd.

Elit Renewable Energies Ltd. Co.

Kodsan A.S

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