Solar Water Heating System Wholesale Suppliers in Turkey
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Turkey |
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Bural Isitma Dis Tic Ltd Sti - - Baymak A.S - Bilgen Solar Energy Systems - Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S - Güne Enerji Sistemleri - HERA HEATING & RENEWABLES INTERNATIONAL - Kodsan Kazan A.S. - Merit Ltd - Metal Endustri A. S. - Sergun Solar Energy Systems - Sim ek Günej Enerji Sistemleri - SOLAR ISI SISTEMLERI A.S. - Solimpeks Solar Energy Systems Co. - Sunstrip Turkiye - Sunturk - Baymak A. S. - CAN METAL A.S. - Ceren Engineering - Cetiner Foreign Trade CFT - Efsun Metal Ltd. - Elit Renewable Energies Ltd. Co. - Kodsan A.S - Kuzey Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. - SENA Water. heating import-export&construction trading Co. - Seren Enerji Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. - TERMOSAN HEATING SYSTEMS CO. -
Bural Isitma Dis Tic Ltd Sti
Reliable supplier of solar water heaters and Biomass Systems with 20 years of experience. Solar Water Heaters, Solar Collectors, DHW Tanks, Biomass Heating Systems and Biomass Stoves are our main products. High performance and long durability is the main characteristics of our products. We have so many products in operation for years of years worldwide.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar collectors flat plate, solar collectors evacuated tube, biomass energy boilers, heat exchangers, biomass energy systems.
- Service types: design
- Address: Serbest Bolge Isyerleri Sitesi No:15/D ANBAR MELIKGAZI, Kayseri, Turkey 38070
- Telephone: +90 532 4324394
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Bural Isitma Dis Tic Ltd Sti
Baymak A.S
Baymak is a corporate firm with a western company culture having a 36 years of experience. It is a leading industrial and marketing company in the national and international field with a wide range of product, effective vendor and service organisation and young dynamic managers. Baymak A.S. was established in 1967 in the Kartal District, Istanbul. During the first years valves were manufactured in the factory, followed by burners, and then thermosyphons, gravity tanks and storey heating. With its 14,000m2 area, 6,000m2 of which being covered, Baymak now delivers the best service in soonest time and with highest quality through 200 personnel , over 1000 vendors organisations and 450 authorised service stations.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components, air cooling systems, air heating systems, heat exchangers, water heating systems, heating, cooling and water technology systems.
- Address: Yalniz Selvi Str.No.19, Istanbul, Kartal Turkey 34880
- Telephone: 0090216 4525125
- FAX: 0090216 4525265
- Web Site:
Bilgen Solar Energy Systems
We are manufacturing solar energy panels with ultrasonically welding. 4mm. prismatic galass Isolated with glasswoll or polyuretane
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: Aluminium, Copper, Sellective and Tinox surface collectors for solar water heating systems all kind of hot water enamelled and serpantinesSolar fan systems forestall humid at home. .
- Service types: solar hot water heating systems
- Address: Bursa Yalova Yolu Uzeri 6. Km. , Yalova, Yalova Turkey 77100
- Telephone: +90 226 831 41 29 (pbx)
- FAX: +90 226 831 49 09
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Bilgen Solar Energy Systems
Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: solar collectors flat plate, solar thermal energy, solar water heating components collectors flat plate, solar water heating components storage tanks, solar water heating systems, full plate flat collectors, enameled tanks, high efficiency boilers, collector, Thermosyphon Systems, solar water heater, solar water heating systems, solar energy.
- Address: 3. Organize Sanayi Bol. Ihsan dede Cad. 13. SK. No:29, Konya, Turkey 42050
- Telephone: +90 332 239 1570
- FAX: +90 332 239 1562
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Derya Gunes Kollektorleri A. S
Güne Enerji Sistemleri
nsano lunun gün geçtikte katlanarak artan enerji ihtiyacõ, "fosil yakõtlara ba õmlõ olma" korkusunu beraberinde getirmektedir. Ba ta Avrupa olmak üzere enerji ihtiyacõnõ büyük oranda fosil ve ithal yakõtlarla kar õlamaya çalõ an ülkeler, YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'nin önemini fark etmekte ve bu yönde ciddi adõmlar atmaktadõrlar. Fosil yakõtlardaki önlenemezfiyatartõ larõ ve buna dair gelecek beklentilerindeki belirsizlik YEN LENEB L R ENERJ 'ye yönelimi zorunlu kõlmaktadõr. Güne enerji sistemleri fiyatlarõfirmalarõnürünlerine göre de i mektedir. Kimi firma kaliteden ödün vermeden üretim yaparken kimiside malzemenin kötüsünden ürünlerini üretip satmaktadõr. Biliçli tüketicilerin bu kurnazca yapõlan hilye uymamasõ lazõm ortada alõnacak bir ürün v...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, publisher, distributor, electric utility, mutual fund, exchange traded fund
- Product types: solar water heating systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, architectural design services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, recycling services, testing services, certification services
- Address: Akbelen Bulvarõ 173/A Toroslar Mersin, Mersin, Turkey 33453
- Telephone: 312481 9 481
- FAX: 312 479 0 229
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Güne Enerji Sistemleri
HERA HEATING & RENEWABLES INTERNATIONAL is the leading supplier of renewable energy services and products with exclusive sales agreements with some of the top solar companies around the world. Its main product lines are photovotaic modules and solar water heating systems.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar water heating systems, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic systems.
- Address: Adana-Ceyhan Yolu 10. km 01340, Tansug Makina , Adana, Turkey 01340
- Telephone: 90-322-3464900
- Web Site:
Kodsan Kazan A.S.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating components, solar water heating systems, water heating systems, heat exchangers.
- Address: Organize Sanayi BöLgesi KaramanlàLar Cad No:10 Sincan, Ankara, Turkey 06935
- Telephone: 00 90 312 267 07 67
- FAX: 00 90 312 267 05 54
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Kodsan Kazan A.S.
Merit Ltd
More than 500, 000 collectors running since 1979, first solar water heating collectors producer of Turkey
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: PV panel supplier and wind turbine dealer solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems, tubular skylights, photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, Co-operates with the PV related business partners.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services, research services
- Address: Gokturk Beldesi Belediye Cad. Kemerlife Çar õ No:26U, Istanbul, Kemergurgaz - Eyup Turkey 34075
- Telephone: +90-212-322 5004
- FAX: +90-212-322 5006
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Merit Ltd
Metal Endustri A. S.
Founded in 1972 in the metal industry sector, our company, Metal Endustri A. S., has been manufacturing solar water heating systems under the brand name OZBEK.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components.
- Service types: design, installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services, system design, system installation
- Address: Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Isabeyli/Nazilli / AYDIN, Turkey 09860
- Telephone: +90 256 316 22 33
- FAX: +90 256 316 2737
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Metal Endustri A. S.
Sergun Solar Energy Systems
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: solar water heating systems, packaged power systems, LED lighting.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services, research services
- Address: Hürriyet Mah. Atatürk Bul. No:318 Ye ilbayõr, Antalya, Turkey 07000
- Telephone: +905333097800
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Sergun Solar Energy Systems
Sim ek Günej Enerji Sistemleri
Do ayõ kirletmeden õsõnmanõn yolu im ek'ten geçer. im ek Güne Kollektörleri kullanõmõndan yõllar sonra bile sadece silindi inde fabrikadan ilk gün çõkmõ hissi uyandõrõr. Buda im ek Güne Kollektörlerinin üretim safhasõnda gösterilen üstün özenin simgesidir. güne enerji sistemleri Kollektörlerini bir defa alõrsõnõz ve yõllarca kullansanõz bile ilk günkü performansõ bulursunuz. im ek olarak biz; üretti imiz binlerce ürünün her birinin ayrõ bir kullanõcõ tarafõndan tekil kullanõlaca õnõn bilincinde, her bir ürünümüzü bir tek üretimmi gibi dü ünerek üretiyoruz. Üretimin her a amasõnda Nasõl daha kaliteli olabilir? sorusunu kendimize defalarca soruyor ve garanti süresinden önce yada sonra arõza geri dönü ü yapacak herhangi bir ürünün mad...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, electric utility, mutual fund
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, project development services, education and training services, research services, architectural design services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Akbelen Bulvarõ No:173/A Toroslar, Mersin, Türkiye Turkey 33453
- Telephone: 0324 3244191
- FAX: 0 324 3241245
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Sim ek Günej Enerji Sistemleri
Aluminium collectors, copper collectors (with tempered or low ironed tempered glass,selective absorber) PANEL RADIATORS
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar pool heating systems, solar water heating systems, PANEL RADIATORS.
- Telephone: 00.90.324.238 89 340(PBX)
- FAX: 00.90.324.238 89 22
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to SOLAR ISI SISTEMLERI A.S.
Solimpeks Solar Energy Systems Co.
Solimpeks Solar Energy Corp., is a high quality solar thermal, hybrid collector and boiler manufacturer with the three generations of experience, holding 18 certificates of quality such as Solarkeymark, SP, SRCC, FSEC, Sei, ISFH, Inta, ISO 9001:2000, Cener, TÜV Cert etc. Solimpeks is a leading producermanufacturer with over 50 types of collectors and presently exporting to 60 countries.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, hybrid collector manufacturer,
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components, solar pool heating system components, solar water heating systems, water filtering and purification systems, Solar PV, Charger, Solar Battery, Solar thermal, Hot water, Solar energy, hybrid collector, hybrid collectors. , photovoltaic module mounting systems, photovoltaic module mounting systems ground mount, photovoltaic module mounting systems roof mount, photovoltaic module mounting systems integrated.
- Service types: consulting, installation, project development services,
- Address: Konsan Org. San. Hilal Sk. No:20 Karatay, Konya, Karatay Turkey 42300
- Telephone: +903324440602
- FAX: +903324440608
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Solimpeks Solar Energy Systems Co.
Sunstrip Turkiye
Welcome to Sunstrip/Turkiye, Sunstrip Turkiye develops, manufactures and markets strips and absorbers. Today Sunstrip Turkiye is one of the nation's leading supplier to large solar collector fields -Sunstrip utilizes cutting-edge technology for the products, and with the launching of the fullplate absorber Lazerplate in 2002, became complete suppliers of strips and absorber materials for both large solar collectors and for smaller domestic collector systems. SUNSTRIP TR at its 2000 sqm facility located in 2nd. Organised Industrial Zone / Konya, is the exclusive licensee producer of Sunstrip absorbers in Turkiye, supplying world-class absorber components to local solar collector manufacturers. Our objective is to provide local and regio...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating components.
- Service types: construction, engineering, contractor services
- Address: 2.Osb Buyuk Kayacik Mah. Iki Pinar Sok. NO:24 Selcuklu, Konya, Turkey 42300
- Telephone: +90-332-2390178
- FAX: +90-332-2390198
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Sunstrip Turkiye
Sunturk has a mission to protect our environment by helping people while servicing high quality well designed solar systems. Sole energy the Sun, in your hands by Sunturk..
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components, solar pool heating systems, solar charge controllers, solar electricity by PV panels.
- Service types: design, installation, engineering, project development services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Vatan Cd. Adalhan No.501, Konya, Selcuklu Turkey 42100
- Telephone: +903323210106
- FAX: +903323210207
- Web Site:
Baymak A. S.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components collectors flat plate, solar water heating components storage tanks, biomass energy boilers, solar collectors flat plate, tankless water heating systems.
- Address: Orhanli Beldesi Orta Mahalle Akdeniz Sk No:8 Tuzla, ISTANBUL, Turkey
- Telephone: 90 216 581 6587
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water heating components.
- Address: Yalova Yolu 13. km. Ovaakca, Bursa, Turkey 16335
- Telephone: +90 224 267 20 70
- FAX: +90 224 267 20 77
Ceren Engineering
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: solar water heating systems.
- Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services
- Address: Barbaros Mh.Gmk Blv.Dort Mevsim Altų NO:429/A Mersin, Mersin, Turkey 33158
- Telephone: 90 324 3268001
- FAX: 90 324 3268001
Cetiner Foreign Trade CFT
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: lead acid batteries, wind energy systems (small), wind energy system components (small), hydro power..
- Service types: windmill, battery
- Address: Cengiz Topel Cad. Suleymanpasa Sok. No: 4, Izmit, Kocaeli Turkey 41040
- Telephone: +902623353744
- FAX: +902623353758
Efsun Metal Ltd.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar collectors flat plate, solar water heating systems, alternative homes and buildings.
- Address: Organize Sanayi Bolgesi No:4, Antalya, Turkey TURKEY 07210
- Telephone: +90 532 426 6366
- FAX: +90 242 258 1072
Elit Renewable Energies Ltd. Co.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: solar heating products, solar water heaters, solar pool heating systems.
- Service types: system design, system installation
- Address: Abidin Daver Sk. 26/8, Ankara, Turkey 06550
- Telephone: 0090-312-4410294
Kodsan A.S
- Business type: Manufacturer, Wholesale supplier, Exporter
- Product types: Solar water heating tanks, solar water heating packed systems, water heater tanks, water storage tanks.
- Address: Organize sanayi bolgesi karamanlilar cad no:10 Sincan, Ankara, Turkey 06935
- Telephone: +90 312 267 07 67
- FAX: +90 312 267 05 54
Kuzey Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd.
- Business type: Energy
- Product types: Solar Water Heater Systems with evacuated vacuum tubes, solar pool heating systems. .
- Service types: Solar Energy
- Address: Mersin Tarsus Organize Sanayi Bölgesi. 9. Cad. No:2 Huzurkent MERSIN, Mersin, TR Turkey 33160
- Telephone: 903246764302
- FAX: 903246764303
SENA Water. heating import-export&construction trading Co.
hi to all you. i am mehmet ali from turkey. we are some industrial products official supplier. please check our website. it is turkish now untill a few days. We are looking some distributor or agents some foreign countries. Our main products are gas spring, solar water heating collectors-boilers, truck crane, garbage trucks-boxes, hydraulic lift, hydraulic and pneumatic garage lifter, jack, home-office-garden furniture, ultra ortopedic bedding systems. and whatever do you want we can supply to you. Telescopic lift, Hydraulic cylinder, Hydraulic power unit, Auto straightening machine, Hydraulic jack, automotive spare parts, Truck spare parts, axle, hub, campane, brake, brake systems. Alsa sanitary, central heating, solar water heating system...
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, trading, service
- Product types: hi to all you. i am mehmet ali from turkey. we are some industrial products official supplier. please check our website. it is turkish now untill a few days. our main products are gas spring, solar water heating collectors-boilers, truck crane, garbage trucks-boxes, hydraulic lift, hydraulic and pneumatic garage lifter, jack, home-office-garden fur....
- Service types: construction
- Address: Sukran mh. Sircali medrese cd. . no:41/b, Konya, meram Turkey 42030
- Telephone: +90 332 351 00 34
- FAX: +90 332 351 00 34
- E-mail: Send Email to SENA Water. heating import-export&construction trading Co.
Seren Enerji Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
- Business type: importer
- Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar water heating systems, solar outdoor lighting systems, electric scooters, solar garden lights.
- Address: Yesilbag Sit. Cicek Apt. 9/9 Etiler , Istanbul, Turkey 34340
- Telephone: +902122650227, +905337416888
- FAX: +902122632006
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems, solar water heating components, radiators, electrical water heaters, radiators, designer radiators, boilers,design radiators, heated towel rails..
- Address: Asilturk cad. Safak sok. No:2 Samandira Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey 81040
- Telephone: +90 216 4966600
- FAX: +90 216 3988838
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