Renewable Energy Publication Education and Training Services in the United Kingdom
Douglas-Westwood - Ecsc -
Described as "top energy research group" by the Financial Times, award winning energy business advisors Douglas-Westwood is an employee-owned company and the leading provider of energy business strategy, research and commercial due-diligence services. Since its formation in 1990, it has provided consultancy and information services to clients in over 70 countries. With offices in Aberdeen, Canterbury, New York and Singapore, the firm acts as advisers to industry, commerce, government agencies and presidential offices worldwide. Our renewables offerings include 'The World Wave and Tidal Market Report' and 'The World Offshore Wind Market Report'. As well as expertise in a number of other renewable energy markets.
- Business type: Research / Publisher
- Product types: publications, market reports, commissioned studies, advisory services, consulting, research reports.
- Service types: Consulting / Market Forecasting
- Address: Second Floor, St. Andrew's House, Station Road East, Canterbury, Kent United Kingdom CT1 2WD
- Telephone: +44 1227 780999
- FAX: +44 1227 780880
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Douglas-Westwood
Our objective is the development and implementation of programmes to create socially responsible sustainable energy futures through energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. This is achieved through: Research and dissemination of information on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Development, design and implementation of programmes, including training delivery strategies, to increase the contribution of energy efficiency and solar/renewable energy sources to meeting the future energy needs of corporate business, the fuel rich and the fuel poor. ecsc carries out a programme of research, informed by ongoing projects, into issues surrounding the practical application of energy efficiency. This supports its advis...
- Business type: Climate strategy and trading company
- Product types: waste to energy system advice, publications, solar water heating/PV power systems, wind energy systems (small), public attitude surveys, consultation document preparation, energy efficiency training, customer identification. .
- Service types: Project development, marketing assistance, proposal formulation
- Address: 26A Commercial Way, Woking, Surrey United Kingdom GU21 6EN
- Telephone: +44 1483 743 717
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Ecsc
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