Renewable Energy Publication Research and Development Businesses in the United Kingdom

Douglas-Westwood - Euromoney Books -


Described as "top energy research group" by the Financial Times, award winning energy business advisors Douglas-Westwood is an employee-owned company and the leading provider of energy business strategy, research and commercial due-diligence services. Since its formation in 1990, it has provided consultancy and information services to clients in over 70 countries. With offices in Aberdeen, Canterbury, New York and Singapore, the firm acts as advisers to industry, commerce, government agencies and presidential offices worldwide. Our renewables offerings include 'The World Wave and Tidal Market Report' and 'The World Offshore Wind Market Report'. As well as expertise in a number of other renewable energy markets.

Euromoney Books

Published March 2003 - The Guide to Developing Renewable Energy Projects. The book that will ensure you adopt the best strategies for developing, financing and assessing risk and documenting renewable energy projects. Across wind, solar, small-scale hydro power, tidal, geothermal and biomass energy, the book examines regulatory developments, energy policies, sources of financing, assessing project viability, technology risk and documentation. Written by the high successful renewables team at Ernst & Young, this is invaluable and insightful advice on renewable energy projects. Other project finance energy titles at

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