Solar Water Heating Component Export Businesses in the United Kingdom

eco hometec (uk) ltd - Lynxsolar - Secon Solar Ltd - SOLARSENSE B9nrg - SolarUK - Solfex Ltd - Energy Engineering - Solar Supplies UK Ltd. - XINAO Solar Energy Co., Ltd-Overseas sales office -

eco hometec (uk) ltd

eco hometec are specialist designers and installers, for DIY, self build and commercial clients, of low energy, sustainable heating systems. Systems can include, if required, electric underfloor heating, warm water underfloor heating, radiators and towel rails and be heated using a combination of solar panels, dual temperature gas fired underfloor heating condensing oil, LPG, or natural gas boilers and ground, water or air source heat pumps.


Design consultancy. Installation service.

Secon Solar Ltd

Secon Solar distributes solar water heating components including air vents, expansion vessels, anti freeze, flexible pipework, insulation etc. We are the UK and Ireland distributor of Resol control equipment, Solar Metalflex, Voss and PAW. System design, installer training and consultancy services.


AFRICA, ASIA, CARIBBEAN. Solar/ Wind electrical systems supplied. COOL buildings and hot water systems designed, built, installed. Small friendly scale integrated systems a speciality - ECO TOURIST HOTEL HOUSING COMMERCIAL - Over 20 years hands on experience. Can design/ oversee/ manage your project (and local labor) Best priced quality equipment sourced internationally - Request my CV


SOLAR UK is a fully accredited MCS manufacturer and installer, a member of the Solar Trade Association and Britain's leading solar thermal research and manufacturing company. The knowledge and experience they have acquired over many years has been used to produce the UK's most efficient solar hot water systems. In tests carried out by an independent research centre in Switzerland SolarUK's LaZer2 solar collectors outperformed those of its main competitors, while their innovative solar tracker won the 2001 Euro Solar Award. SolarUK is also an installer of solar photovoltaics.

Solfex Ltd

The UKs largest independant wholesaler of solar thermal, collectors, controls and equipment. Roof integrated flat panels, on roof flat panels, three ranges of evacuated tubes collectors Solar keymark accredited solar thermal collectors, Pumping stations, Prozeda solar controllers

Energy Engineering

Solar Supplies UK Ltd.

XINAO Solar Energy Co., Ltd-Overseas sales office

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