Small Wind Energy System Construction Businesses in the United Kingdom

Cambridge Solar Ltd - Dragons Breath - Ecotricity Group Limited -

Cambridge Solar Ltd

Cambridge Solar is an award winning, Cambridgeshire based, renewable energy company that provides renewable energy consultancy, design and installation services for private individuals and professional organisations across the UK. We help our clients choose the best renewable energy technology for their specific property or project by analysing the business case and giving advice on financial paybacks (through the feed-in tariffs or renewable heat incentive), energy saved, carbon reduced and more. Our systems are suitable for homes, businesses, farms, schools, community sites. Indeed every sector and building type could benefit from renewable energy in some way.

Dragons Breath

Microgeneration solar thermal equipment,solar photovoltaics, wind turbines. Any shape style or designs manufacured to suit your requirements

Ecotricity Group Limited

Ecotricity is the world's first green electricity company, founded in 1995 in Stroud, England, with a mission to help sustain the environment for current and future generations by stimulating a mass market for Ecotricity. It is a fully integrated wind energy provider, with the unique capability to manage new wind energy developments and deliver green electricity to customers. Ecotricity is electricity generated from methods that are significantly less polluting and more sustainable than conventional electricity. Ecotricity won the Queen's Award for Enterprise 2000 for Environmental Achievement.

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