Composting System Manufacturers in the World

Advanced Composting Systems - Aquatron International - Biogas Energy Systems - Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd (BICAL) - Ecos/Sustainable Strategies Ecological Engineering and Design - Greencisco Industrial Co., Ltd. - Onsite Power Systems, Inc. - Sun-Mar Corp. - ENTEC-The Biogas Company-Umwelttechnik GmbH - Enviro 2000 Pelletizer Ltd. - Fareem Traders - International Environmental Management Limited - KCS Engineering - KOLLVIK Recycling, S. L. - Separett AB -

Advanced Composting Systems

Aquatron International

The biological toilet system. Aquatron is a composting toilet utilising ordinary Water Closets. Aquatron Systems combine the comfort and hygiene of a WC system with the ecological and environmental characteristics of a bio-degrading toilet system. Our six Aquatron standard systems operate by using just the momentum of the flushing water, centrifugal force and gravity. Therefore, neither chemicals nor moving parts are needed in the separation and composting processes.

Biogas Energy Systems

Biogas Energy Systems designs, builds, operates, and maintains anaerobic digestion facilities in North America, employing the most advanced technology and methods available today. We deliver practical, profitable results that can be seen in more than seventy facilities throughout Germany and across the globe. Whether you are treating cattle, pig or poultry manure, or seeking food and biodegradable waste treatment, Biogas Energy Systems has the anaerobic digestion solution to meet all needs.

Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd (BICAL)

Ecos/Sustainable Strategies Ecological Engineering and Design

Our affiliated products company, Ecos, supplies 40 models of composting toilet systems (EcoTech Carousel, Vera Miljo, Sun-Mar, BioLet, CTS), as well as microflush toilets, graywater systems, water conservation appliances and rainwater filters. Catalog available. Our affiliated nonprofit organization, the Center for Ecological Pollution Prevention, conducts workshops on building composting toilets, as well as yard/kitchen waste composting, water conservation and septic system maintenance. CEPP recently published The Composting Toilet System Book, which describes 60+ composting toilet systems (both manufactured and do-it-yourself) and how to maintain them. It also lists state regulations and complementary graywater systems.

Greencisco Industrial Co., Ltd.

Greencisco Industrial Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of UPS, solar inverter, solar power system, solar batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, nickel iron solar battery, battery charger, -48V telecom rectifier system, Telecom DC-DC converter, frequency converter, stabilizer, MPPT/PWM solar controllers. www. greencisco. com;;/Greenciscosimon

Onsite Power Systems, Inc.

Organic Resource Recovery through �Advanced� Anaerobic Digestion Creating New Sources of Biohydrogen, Biofuels, and Alternative Renewable Energy Systems capable of supplying complete, economically and environmentally viable solutions for organic biomass management and waste disposal while creating abundant, alternative renewable fuels for onsite energy requirements.

Sun-Mar Corp.

ENTEC-The Biogas Company-Umwelttechnik GmbH

Enviro 2000 Pelletizer Ltd.

Fareem Traders

We will fulfill your all needs. . .

International Environmental Management Limited

KCS Engineering

KOLLVIK Recycling, S. L.

Separett AB

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