Custom Battery Design Businesses in Israel

Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd. - Tamuz Electronics Ltd. -

Shmuel De-Leon Energy, Ltd.

Shmuel De-Leon Energy. Ltd, Has been founded this year by Shmuel De-Leon, a power sources expert with more than 20 years of extensive experience in the industry. As a leader in the field of power sources knowledge, Samuel De-Leon Energy. Ltd, provides a comprehensive collection of services for the industry from technical data to a products-design and consulting services. Consulting Services - Tailored to the customer needs. Batteries & Fuel cells Seminar - The best practical applicative power sources seminar. Shmuel De-Leon Batteries, Fuel Cells & EV Industry weekly Newsletter Provides links to all hot industry information to industry members. Shmuel De-Leon Batteries, Fuel Cells & EV Industry monthly upcoming events Provides links ...

Tamuz Electronics Ltd.

Tamuz Electronics Ltd specializes in the development, production and marketing of innovated and advanced energy systems and power components for a wide range of customers, business sectors and applications. We have the capability to provide off-the-shelf as well as custom design solutions for any application. For medical, defence, utilities applications and OEM companies; the company develops, manufactures and provides custom made smart BBU (Battery Backup Unit) to power electronic devices of Public Utilities, Railway signalling, Street Traffic control, ATMS (advanced traffic management systems), AMR (gas, electric, water), CCTV video surveillance security systems, Renewable energy controllers, UPS, Communication, Security (alarm, control, ...

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