Deep Cycle Battery Import Businesses in South Africa

- Omnisolar - Sinetech cc - Tricon Industries -


We are system designers, integrators, and installers of remote power supplies and water pumping systems, specializing in alternative electricity supply for farms, holiday cottages, eco-resorts, communication etc. Solar-, wind-, hydro- and generator power is combined in a hybrid system in the most economical and environmental friendly way. We focus on the supply of turnkey alternative electricity systems as well as providing long back-up UPS systems where a stable and reliable electrical supply is critical. OMNISOLAR is the regional distributor for SolarWorld and Grundfos amongst others, and is currently the leading Southern African dealer for Grundfos SQFlex solar water pumping systems.

Sinetech cc

SINETECH has developed a comprehensive range of power related products to cater for all power conversion, power protection and power distribution requirements including products for renewable energy applications (solar systems). Agents for Kaco, SMA, Studer, Outback, Cotek, Solarworld, Hoppecke, Main Power, Power Master, Omnipower

Tricon Industries

Tricon Industries function as the sole distributor of the ENCO quality range of Electrical Energy saving products, backed by professional engineers to meet every individual and specific requirement.

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