Deep Cycle Battery Installation Businesses in the Dominican Republic

Freddy Multiservice S.A. - Green Renewable Energy Consultants S. A. - Trace Solar / Trace International -

Freddy Multiservice S.A.

Freddy Multiservice comprometido a proveer la mas alta calidad y tecnología disponible con un servicio al cliente superior, siendo esta nuestra estrategia que nos distingue de nuestra competencia y nos hace líder en el área de servicio eléctrico.

Green Renewable Energy Consultants S. A.

G. R. E. C. specializes in consultation, sales, design, service, and installation of complete Renewable Energy Power Systems. All components necessary for a complete, efficient, system including: towers, power conditioning equipment, monitoring systems, hardware, energy storage, and conversion devices. We provide highly reliable power systems integrating photovoltaic solar panels, small and large wind turbines, for Domestic, Commercial and Agricultural Applications Whether you are utility grid-connected or grid-independent, need uninterrupted power or not, G. R. E. C. offers custom solutions for all of your energy needs.

Trace Solar / Trace International

Trace specializes in energy efficiency including LED lighting, HVAC and Solar systems. Trace engineering team has been providing complete turnkey solutions to the country in order to save energy costs to their customers. In Solar, we have designed, sold, and installed, over 90% of the systems in the island. Our latest project, the largest in the country was the 1. 5 MW Cibao airport project.

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