Renewable Energy System Battery Consulting Businesses in Canada

Advanced Solar Solutions - eV FERN Ltd. - Modern Outpost Enterprises Ltd. - Quallium Corporation - VRB Power Systems Inc. -

Advanced Solar Solutions

Advanced Solar Solutions Energy Company, designs and installs the highest performing solar energy systems in the industry. They range in size from 1 kilowatt to over 1 megawatt, and power businesses, government and agricultural facilities, and homes. Our team has extensive experience and a passion for the business. We closely link modeling, building, and monitoring to provide solar solutions with the highest return on investment. We have built solid relationships with the top vendors in the industry, which enables us to get the solar panels and materials needed to build systems on schedule. Our premier in-house design and installation teams deliver carefree, turnkey solar systems to our customers, who love our world-class customer care. Mos...

eV FERN Ltd.

Manufacturing and sales of high energy storage li-ion battery and equipements.

Modern Outpost Enterprises Ltd.

Modern Outpost provides solar & dynamo powered products along with hundreds of other products for outdoor work & play. We outfit researchers, field workers, SAR, parks staff, military, Environment Canada, Parks Canada, Fisheries & Oceans, and many others. Our portable solar power solutions provide power anywhere, anytime.

Quallium Corporation

Quallium makes dreams of energy self-sufficiency a reality. We specialize in the design and installation of systems that capture the sun's energy and transform it into electricity.

VRB Power Systems Inc.

VRB Power Systems Inc. is an energy storage company that has developed and commercialized the vanadium energy storage system. Based upon the patented vanadium redox flow battery this new enabling technology can effectively store large amounts of electricity on demand. Characterized by low ecological impact, long life VRB Power Systems improve power quality, reliabilty, as well as reduce the costs of load levelling, peak shaving, and critical uninteruptible power supply systems.

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