Battery Contractor Businesses in the Philippines

Amatera Solar Technology Inc - Elektra Solar Incorporation -

Amatera Solar Technology Inc

Amatera was taken from the word Amaterasu, whose direct translation from a Japanese legend means "shining in heaven". As a company, we aim to let the shine solar go into many houses, schools, and buildings in the Philippines as maybe physically possible. As a solar energy service provider we bring together suppliers, engineers, installers, legal and finance experts so that the benefits of solar energy can be made accessible to as many Filipinos as possible. As a Technology company, we invest R&D and product development so that the solar can be the main source of energy in the Philippines.

Elektra Solar Incorporation

ELEKTRA SOLAR, INC. could provide various PV system solutions for residential use, including designing, installing monitoring and maintaining PV systems. Our in-house engineering team will custom design your PV system based on your residential structure and your electrical needs. Residential PV systems are mainly mounted on the roof and courtyard of residences; consist of PV modules, controllers, batteries and inverters. The on-grid residential PV system remains connecting to the public electricity grid, thus any power required beyond what the PV systems can supply is drawn from the grid. The off-grid residential PV systems can also include batteries backup to operate selected circuits in the residence for hours or days. A residential PV sy...

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