Battery Businesses in Serbia

Conseko doo - Krusik Akumulatori A. D. - GEOSKRISTAL-SPAHO -

Conseko doo

Conseko d. o. o. Beograd, obezbedjuje resenja za nezavisno snabdevanje energijom i ustede energije. U osnovnom programu rada nalaze se usluge planiranja, projektovanja i izvodjenja solarnih sistema za stambene, javne i privredne objekte. U programu prodaje nalaze se:â fotonaponski paneli i sistemi za nezavisno snabdevanje elektricnom energijomâ solarne elektrane za generaciju elektricne energije prema fid-in tarifi â resenja za spoljnu rasvetu sa ustedom energijeâ vetrogeneratori, odnosno male vetrenjace za proizvodnju el. energijeâ solarni kolektori, bojleri i standardna resenja za kucne solarne sistemeâ solarni sistemi za zagrevanje bazenaâ solarne pumpe za vodu i navodnjavanje. Od 20. . .

Krusik Akumulatori A. D.

â Krusik Batteriesâ joint-stock company is battery manufacturer in the South-East Europe and it belongs to the line of the most important in its branch in Europe. Our tradition of the battery production is more than a half century old. The high quality and the competitiveness of our products, which are designed to meet the desires of each of our clients, ISSO Standards Certificates, launching our batteries on the markets reaching from Germany to Mongolia, membership in the Association of European Storage Battery Manufacturers EUROBAT stand for solid confirmation of â Krusik Batteriesâ joint-stock company being a reliable partner for our clients, but also those who are yet to become ones. We produce various types of Ni-Cad, Ag-Zn B...


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