Biomass Energy System Consulting Businesses in Bulgaria
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ESD-Bulgaria Ltd. - Energy & Ecology Ltd. -
ESD-Bulgaria Ltd.
ESD-Bulgaria Ltd. operates mainly in energy efficiency, CHP and renewable energy resources as a consulting company and engages in the development and implementation of sustainable energy projects. Its major objective is to make sustainable energy possible and to promote sustainable energy in Bulgaria. ESD Bulgaria provides technical assistance for identification and investing in development and implementation of Bulgarian energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for a number of municipalities and other local authorities in the country.
- Business type: Consulting
- Product types: biomass energy systems, geothermal energy systems, hydro energy systems (large), hydro energy systems (small), solar water heating systems.
- Service types: Consulting services
- Address: 10 Slavianska Str., Floor 5, Apt. 14, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
- Telephone: +359 2 981 70 41
- FAX: + 359 2 989 19 63
- Web Site:
Energy & Ecology Ltd.
- Business type: service
- Product types: biomass energy products, geothermal energy products, waste treatment systems.
- Service types: consulting services, system design, system installation
- Address: 5, Filip Kutev St., Sofia, Bulgaria 1407
- Telephone: (+359 2) 868 93 38
- FAX: (+359 2) 868 93 38
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