Biomass Energy System Consulting Businesses in Germany
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Germany |
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ABO-Wind - Brueckner Biotec GmbH - NRG-Consultants. com - Volkmann Consult - Corporate Advisors - ABIRER-Systems - Electrowatt-Ekono GmbH - ESA Energy GmbH - IE-S GmbH Integrated Energy Systems - INTEC Energy Systems - ÖKOBiT GmbH - T.Lauckner Technische Dienstleistungen -
Our business is the turnkey development of wind farms and biomass power plants.
- Business type: developer
- Product types: wind farms and biomass power plants.
- Address: Hirtenstraße 24, Wiesbaden, Germany 65193
- Telephone: +4961126765-0
- FAX: +4961126765-99
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to ABO-Wind
Brueckner Biotec GmbH
Biogas can also be produced (apart from the basic feed stocks from agriculture such as cattle, hog and chicken manure, corn, grass or clover silage) by utilizing industrial residues from the food and biofuels industry (stillage and rape seed cake), used frying fats and organic waste. This allows to go for bigger plants and the respective ÔEconomies of Scale'. Apart from the conventional incineration of biogas in gas motors for the production of power and heat, technologies of the future are going to be feeding the biogas directly to the gas pipeline grid or to utilise liquid biogas for combustion engines in cars.
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: biomass energy systems, Biogas Plants (anaerobic fermentation) 1 - 20 MW.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, financial services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: Koenigsberger Strasse 5 - 7, Siegsdorf, Germany 83313
- Telephone: +49 - 8662 - 63 - 587
- FAX: +49 - 8662 - 63 - 552
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Brueckner Biotec GmbH
NRG-Consultants. com
- Business type: retail sales, exporter
- Product types: biomass energy systems, biomass energy boilers, energy efficient homes and buildings, steam turbine electric generators, cogeneration systems.
- Service types: consulting, construction, engineering, project development services
- Address: Werfener Heide 14, Bünde, DE Germany 32257
- Telephone: ++49 5223 1800 939
- FAX: ++49 5223 1800 947
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to NRG-Consultants. com
Volkmann Consult - Corporate Advisors
Interim Management Services, Project Management and Project Development Services in the Renewable Energy Industry
- Business type: Consulting, Interim Management
- Product types: biomass energy biofuel, biomass energy systems, wood burning stoves and furnaces, cogeneration systems, Biogas, Biodiesel, Bioethanol, BTL, solar PV.
- Service types: consulting, project development and interim management services
- Address: Joachimstrasse 53, Dusseldorf, NRW Germany 40547
- Telephone: +49-211-17184302
- FAX: +49-30-263 917 303 219
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Volkmann Consult - Corporate Advisors
- Business type: service, research institution, engineering, consultant
- Product types: biomass energy systems, waste treatment systems.
- Address: Waldhornstr. 30, 76131 Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany 76131
- Telephone: +49 721 359 110
- FAX: +49 721 359 110
Electrowatt-Ekono GmbH
- Product types: biomass energy boilers, biomass energy systems, cogeneration systems, waste treatment systems, wood burning stoves and furnaces, Consulting & Engineering for Energy & Environment.
- Address: Borsteler Chaussee 51, 22453 Hamburg, D Germany 22453
- Telephone: +49 40 69200 282
ESA Energy GmbH
- Product types: wind turbines (small), wind turbines (large), solar water heating systems, geothermal energy systems, biomass energy systems, photovoltaic systems.
- Address: Eschersheimerstr. 6, Berlin, Germany 12099
IE-S GmbH Integrated Energy Systems
- Business type: Engineering Services
- Product types: biomass energy systems (biogas, solid biomass), alternative fuels (biodiesel, ethanol).
- Service types: consulting, project development services, research services
- Address: Motteler Strasse 8, Leipzig, Germany 04155
- Telephone: +49-341-60912-50
- FAX: +49-341-60912-55
INTEC Energy Systems
- Product types: biomass energy systems, wood burning stoves and furnaces, biomass energy furnaces, heat exchangers, biomass energy boilers, biomass energy system components, fluidic dental combustion, thermal-oil-heaters, .
- Address: Zeiloch 15, Bruchsal, Bw Germany 76646
- Telephone: +49 7251 93 243-0
- FAX: +49 7251 93 243-99
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter
- Product types: biomass energy systems, biogas plants & biogas refinement.
- Service types: consulting, installation, engineering, project development services, research services
- Address: Jean-Monnet-Straße 12, Föhren, Germany 54343
- Telephone: +49(0)6502-9385954
- FAX: +49(0)6502-9385979
T.Lauckner Technische Dienstleistungen
- Product types: biomass energy systems, cogeneration systems, wood burning stoves and furnaces.
- Service types: consulting, project development services
- Address: Theodor Fontane Str. 15, Cuxhaven, Germany 27478
- Telephone: *49-4723-713817
- FAX: *49-4723-3708
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