Biomass Energy System Consulting Businesses in Greece
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Enaxon Energy Systems Ltd. - Mellon Energy - Greek Energy - Oni S.A. - Stratos LLC -
Enaxon Energy Systems Ltd.
Enaxon Energy Systems specializes in photovoltaic and wind projects, providing integrated proposals and planning, equipment procurement, construction and maintenance of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) energy projects, aiming at the maximum return on each investment. Our company addresses itself and provides services to individuals, companies, public and private institutions and other investors in the field of Renewable Energy Sources. With a 40-year long extensive experience in the implementation of complex buildings projects and energy requirements and a relationship of trust with our customers, we can guarantee the success of all our projects. Enaxon human resources consist of a team of civil engineers, electrical engineers, skilled pers. ...
- Business type: wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic systems residential, photovoltaic systems commercial, wind energy systems (small), biomass energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services
- Address: Corinth Old National Road, Krathio Akratas, Akrata Achaia, Achaia Greece 25006
- Telephone: +302696033588
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Enaxon Energy Systems Ltd.
Mellon Energy
Mellon energy is a technical consulting firm. It was established to provide world class innovative solutions and services in the fields of energy and environmental protection. Our mission is to actively contribute towards sustainable development and environmental conservation. Our fundamental business strategy is building long-term client relationships. Our services are addressed to governments, public and private organizations, industries, businesses and nongovernmental organizations (NGO's). The need for smarter and more efficient natural resources use so as the use of renewable and clean energy sources has never been greater. In Mellon Energy, we research and develop innovative solutions and products that are tailored to our clients need...
- Product types: Photovoltaics, Energy Management, Environmental Management, Passive Houses, Energy Services, Energy Efficiency, Biogas, Wind Power, Smart Grids.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, architectural design services, contractor services, recycling services
- Address: 51 Mitropoleos Street, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia Greece 54623
- Telephone: +30 2310 254520
- FAX: +30 2310 254520
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Mellon Energy
Greek Energy
- Business type: research institution, engineering, technology transfer
- Product types: biomass energy systems, biomass energy system components, hybrid power systems, photovoltaic modules, wind energy systems (small < 50 kW), photovoltaic cell materials.
- Address: 14 megalo spileo , Athens, Greece Greece 11522
- Telephone: 301 6424577
- FAX: 301 642645
Oni S.A.
- Product types: wind power plants, air cooling systems, energy efficient appliances, biomass energy systems, steam turbine electric generators, solar electric power systems, telecommunications power systems .
- Address: 85, L.Vouliagmenis, Glyfada, Attika Greece 16674
- Telephone: +30 210 9644446
- FAX: +30 210 9600996
Stratos LLC
- Business type: Consulting, Project Development
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar thermal energy, biomass energy systems, electric cars, photovoltaic cells.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services
- Address: 23 Lamias Street, Piraeus, Attica Greece 18542
- Telephone: + 30 6977593005
- FAX: + 30 2104256198
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