Biomass Energy System Consulting Businesses in South Africa

Muziwemvelo Renewable Energy - AGAMA Energy (Pty) Ltd - Carbon Neutral Approach - OneGreen Engineering - Solek - Renewable Energy Engineers - Sustainable. co. za - Ubuntu Energy Solutions - Cape Advanced Engineering Pty Ltd - Izanla Investments - NNJ Technologies - Pre-Plan Energy -

Muziwemvelo Renewable Energy

We offer the following services: UPS, Renewable Energy Plant Construction: Solar, Wind and Hydro. We also do Electrical Contracting, Engineering and Project management from Concept Design to Commissioning.

AGAMA Energy (Pty) Ltd

Carbon Neutral Approach

We are a company with many years of experience in the Hospitality industry in Africa. Our members have operated in countries such as South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya. We have designed, developed and project managed many projects in remote parts of the continent for the development of infrastructure to make facilities autonomous from national electricity, water and gas grids. Our goal is to come up with local solutions to local problems.

OneGreen Engineering

Renewable Energy and Biomass waste to Electricity Technology

Solek - Renewable Energy Engineers

Solek Renewable Energy EngineersConsulting - Supply - Partnering

Sustainable. co. za

The motivation for establishing the Sustainable. co. za was to make it easy for the average person or household to improve their environmental 'footprint'. While many people are aware that serious local and global environmental problems exist, and that they are likely to be contributing to them in their daily lives, they have to do substantial research to find out which activities of theirs are the most environmentally damaging, as well as to find suppliers of goods or services which would help them reduce their 'footprint'. Few people have the time or inclination for such research, yet with access to the right products and information it is surprisingly easy to live a much more environmentally sustainable life. Sustainable. co. za hopes to...

Ubuntu Energy Solutions

Ubuntu Energy Solutions is a South African company that helps businesses save money with end-to-end energy solutions & solar power. Our design-and-build energy solutions and services will assist you to:- Generate your own Solar Power- Reduce Costs with Solar Power and Energy Efficiency- Ensure your business stays online with Battery Backup Power- Understand your power requirements with Energy Audits- Provide Solar Finance for all solutions

Cape Advanced Engineering Pty Ltd

Izanla Investments

NNJ Technologies

Pre-Plan Energy

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