Biomass Energy System Consulting Businesses in Sweden
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3R Zero Emission Pyrolysis and Biochar Group - Arctic OPET - ETC Energy Technology Center in Pitea -
3R Zero Emission Pyrolysis and Biochar Group
3R AGROCARBON - BIOCHAR: The 3R zero emission pyrolysis technology processing animal rendering waste into natural NPK-C fertilizer and bio jetfuel. The 3R is providing added value recycling of food grade animal bone meal, MBM, PAP and dried manure - converted into refined bio-oil, high P content bone-char (biochar) natural fertilizer and liquid Nitrogen fertilizer. The 3R has been invented by the Swedish environmental engineer Edward Someus and developed under the European Union application oriented research schemes since 2002. The 3R is proven, demonstrated and validated original solution. WEB: www. refertil. info,
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
- Product types: biochar, animal bone charcoal, natural Phosphorus fertilizer, natural Nitrogen fertilizer, biofuel, biokerozen, adsorbents, .
- Service types: design, engineering, project development services, recycling services
- Address: Stidvsviksvagen 8, Stidsvik, SE Sweden 26470
- Telephone: 0036208054727
- FAX: 003614240224
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to 3R Zero Emission Pyrolysis and Biochar Group
Arctic OPET
Arctic OPET is a cross-border (north Sweden, Norway and Finland) is a non-profit EU project for small and middlesized companies who want to convert from electricity and oil to renewable energy sources.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: biomass energy products.
- Service types: consulting
- Address: Storgatan 14, Asele, Lapland Sweden 910 60
- Telephone: + 46 941 108 33
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Arctic OPET
ETC Energy Technology Center in Pitea
- Business type: service, organization
- Product types: biomass energy.
- Service types: consulting
- Address: Industrigatan 1, Pitea, Sweden 941 28
- Telephone: +46 911 92078
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