Biomass Energy System Project Development Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with G


Business Names Starting with G

Geotermia y Biomasa - Genergy Power Solutions - Georenco - 8. 2 OZ Office, Egypt - Glushkov's Alternative Energy - GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. - Gpeks - Green Energy & Fuels Inc. - Green Energy Technology Sdn Bhd - Green Volt SA - Greenleads Limited - GreenStream Network Plc - Gulf Express international - G. Th. Energy Solutions Ltd - Gaìa - GEM Global Energy Management Co., Ltd. - General Energy & Environment Engineering - Genersys Ireland Limited - Green City India Pvt. Ltd. - Green India Renewables Private Limited - Greenfield Consulting Group -

Geotermia y Biomasa

En nuestra empresa el cliente obtiene la solucià n que mejor se adapta a las condiciones de su proyecto. Somos expertos en energà a solar, aerotermia, geotermia y biomasa, lo que nos permite ofrecer la solucià n a cada problema energético. Viviendas unifamiliares, edificios de viviendas y comunidades de vecinos, industrias, empresas y edificios de uso colectivo pðblicos o privados. Nos hemos formado y adquirido experiencia en Suiza, Alemania e Italien las técnicas y metodologà as mÃÁs avanzadas aportando a España estos conocimientos. Somos Empresa de Servicios Energéticos en GEOTCASA en IDAE, en el fomento de la implantacià n de la energà a geotérmica y la Biomasa. La calidad en AKITER se basa en el objetivo de la plena satisfaccià n ...

Genergy Power Solutions

Custom built 75 kW to 2,000 kW On-Site Power Generation and Cogeneration Systems. Genergy Power Solutions designs and manufactures modular on-site power generation and cogeneration equipment for the production of safe, reliable, environmentally friendly, cost-saving electrical power. Whether you need primary, base load, peak-shaving, emergency electrical power or cogeneration, contact us today to learn more about our innovative power solutions!

Georenco - 8. 2 OZ Office, Egypt

Georenco is an innovative environmental engineering, solar technology and consulting company. Services include innovative environmental technologies; water and wastewater engineering and solar energy applications. Georenco was founded in 2012 in Hurghada to meet the needs of our clients in the Red Sea region but also in other parts of Egypt.

Glushkov's Alternative Energy

Glushkov's Alternative Energy - scinetifically approved technologies of transformation of biomass to energy with high output.

GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.

We are into design, manufacturing, supply, installation, commissioning of Biomass based Gasification Plant. Producer Gas generated from this plant can be used for Thermal application and generation of Electrical Power.


Project Development - We provide technical management services of sustainable energy projects: Feasibility studies, technical analysis, design, project planning, sourcing and allocation of qualified human resources, project management, project monitoring, quality control and follow up. We offer a complete range of Information Technology solutions related to solar design, and residential energy efficiency and calculations. These IT solutions include complete services such as designing web solutions for various clean energy project technologies and aspects. We also design Information Technology tools to help the implementation of active and passive solar energy for architects, engineering firms, solar energy firms and public organisations. Fi...

Green Energy & Fuels Inc.

Nos dedicamos a la instalacion, diseno y mantenimiento de sistemas de energia renovable. Nuestros tecnicos estan certificados por la Oficina de Administracion de Asuntos Energeticos. Entre nuestros producto se encuentran sistemas de energia de desechos (biomasa), sistemas solares y eolicos. Ademas hacemos auditoria de energia.

Green Energy Technology Sdn Bhd

GET is the Equipment Manufacturer and Technology Provider of Biomass pretreatment and power generation.

Green Volt SA

Empresa de Servicios Energético, destinada a desarrollar e implementar proyectos de Eficiencia Energetica en Edificios e Industrias. Desarrollamos proyectos relacionados a Cogeneracion, Trigeneracion, Energia Solar Termica, Energia Fotovoltaica, Biomasa, Energia Eolica y Geotermica. Contamos con un staff de profesionales y alianzas estrategicas de alto nivel para concretar aquellos proyectos de eficiencia energetica que sean interesantes.

Greenleads Limited

Greenleads is a leading energy optimization engineering company that delivers turnkey energy services and projects based on a thorough understanding of the unique requirements of an organization and the industry it operates within. We have developed a wealth of skills in applying a holistic approach to energy, gas and water resource management that virtually guarantees measurable and verifiable returns on investment and continuous reduction in the use of energy. For over 5 years Greenleads has assisted clients in realizing continually optimized energy, water and gas use in manufacturing and processing plants within the steel, chemical, food and beverage and agricultural industries as well as commercial buildings and institutions in Kenya wh...

GreenStream Network Plc

GreenStream Network Plc (GreenStream) is a Northern European company specialising in brokerage services related to green energy certificates and emissions trading. GreenStream is one of the leaders in the markets of green and carbon-free energy certificate trade in Europe. GreenStream provides consulting and financial services for renewable energy projects and manages funds.

Gulf Express international

Providing a broad range of comprehensive energy solutions including designs and implementation of energy savings projects, retrofitting, energy conservation, energy infrastructure outsourcing, power generation and energy supply, and risk management.

G. Th. Energy Solutions Ltd


Gaïa is a non-profit organization which try to develop diferents projects related to renewable energies to change the enrgetic policy worldwide in a local scale.

GEM Global Energy Management Co., Ltd.

General Energy & Environment Engineering

Genersys Ireland Limited

Green City India Pvt. Ltd.

Green India Renewables Private Limited

Greenfield Consulting Group

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