Biomass Energy System Installation Businesses in Cambodia
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Cambodia |
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EcoSun Energy Cambodia - Mony Engineering Consultants Ltd (a member of Mony Corporation) -
EcoSun Energy Cambodia
EcoSun is a social enterprise working toward to energy/ electricity solution for people and communities in Cambodia. EcoSun established in June 2008 by a group of experienced and expertise people in energy and renewable energy, including saving energy, electrical engineer, biogas, solar, small micro hydropower, as well as rural development, agriculture engineer, environment and climate change. Our Vision: "Cambodia have reliable energy solutions to access free energy sources, save energy, save money, increase productivities and finally contribute to increase incomes, better living standard and greenhouse gases emission"Our Mission: Increase energy efficiency and free energy sources for those who accessed or not accessed to grid or off-grid ...
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: biomass energy systems, gas turbine electric generators, solar lighting systems, solar water pumping systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, hydro energy systems (small), Backup power system.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment service, maintenance and repair services
- Address: St. 271, House 18F, Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Cambodia #18F, St. 271
- Telephone: 855 16 958 035, 855 12 635 865
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to EcoSun Energy Cambodia
Mony Engineering Consultants Ltd (a member of Mony Corporation)
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar water pumping systems, solar lighting systems, wind energy systems (small), biomass energy systems, hydro energy systems (small), Photovoltaic System.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, site survey and assessment services, architectural design services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: House 97, Street 143, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 12312
- Telephone: +855-23-355 168
- FAX: +855-23-356 168
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