Biomass Energy System Installation Businesses in the World by Business Name Starting with T
Business Names Starting with T
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The Energy and Environmental Management Group - Solarsaver - The Renewable Technologies Corporation - The Wood Stove Shop Ltd - Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd - Transmark International (pvt) Limied - Triangle Energy Group (TEG) - TECNOLOG s. a. - Thermic Industries - Trash 2 Recycling - TRUEBELL OVERSEAS -
The Energy and Environmental Management Group - Solarsaver
The Energy and Environmental Management Group of which SolarSaver is an operating company, has over twenty-five years of experience at its disposal in the field of renewable energy. The companies major activities are in the design, specification, supply and installation of state-of-the-art solar energy systems and wind power generators, photovoltaic systems, combined heat and power systems, biomass systems, geo-thermal systems. The company also provide consultancy and training and development programmes, designed to enable a better understanding of the energy dynamics and how to harness the power that is freely and constantly available. The company support the global governments strategy regarding renewable energy and seeks to enhance the skills and knowledge required to provide tomorrow's technology today.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, service, importer, exporter, contractor
- Product types: biomass energy systems, photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems, wind turbines (large), wind turbines (small), combined heat and power systems, geothermal systems, financial services .
- Service types: consult, design,supply installation,training
- Address: "Solar House" 36 Meadowfield, Sleaford, Lincolnshire United Kingdom NG34 7AZ
- Telephone: +44 (0)1529 304027
- FAX: +44 (0) 1529 410491
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to The Energy and Environmental Management Group - Solarsaver
The Renewable Technologies Corporation
SPECIALISTS IN BIOMASS ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTIONThe Renewable Technologies Corporation (RTC) () is an alternative energy services company founded in 2007, and serves as a wholly owned subsidiary of CTG Power Systems International, Inc. (CTG-PSI). RTC's corporate offices are located in Auburn, Alabama and established as an auxiliary business unit to support and augment CTG-PSI's global power generation equipment, engineering, project management and utility services parent corporation. Our company offers an excellent solution set corresponding to the emerging need for the delivery of specialized project management, equipment and financing services in the alternative energy sector. We are experienced and capable of providing a mu...
- Business type: EPC provider of renewable energy equipment and releated services
- Product types: New, used and refurbished gas turbine generator sets, reciprocating diesel generator systems, steam turbine generators, boilers and balance-of plant equipment for biomass, hydro and waste-to-energy fueled projects. .
- Service types: Our project execution services include: Feasibility and Pre-engineering studies, Project Development, Project Management, Engineering and Design, Equipment Procurement, Turnkey Engineering, Procuremen...
- Address: 3365 Skyway Drive Suite 300, Auburn, Alabama USA 36830
- Telephone: 334-539-1700
- FAX: 334-539-1710
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to The Renewable Technologies Corporation
The Wood Stove Shop Ltd
- Business type: wholesale supplier and retailer
- Product types: wood burning stoves and furnaces, biomass energy boilers, biomass energy systems, wood pellet burning boilers..
- Address: Wealden Forest Park,Herne Common,, Nr Canterbury, Kent, England United Kingdom CT6 7LQ
- Telephone: 01227 712046
- FAX: 01227 711816
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to The Wood Stove Shop Ltd
Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd
Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, india is a reputed ASME U & S stamp, ISO 9001 engineering company engaged in the field of design, engineering, fabrication, erection & commissioning of coal, biomass& bagasse fired grate & fluidised bed boilers; waste heat recovery boilers for sulphuric acid, sponge iron, zinc & copper roasters, regenerative equipment such as deaerators, lp&hp heaters, condensers.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: biomass energy boilers, cogeneration system components, heat exchangers, cogeneration system components, biomass energy systems, biomass energy furnaces, waste heat boilers for sap, sip, zinc & cu smelters & roasters.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, contractor services, testing services
- Address: #1, Apuroopa Township, Ida, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, AP India 500055
- Telephone: +91-40-3091801
- FAX: +91-40-3097433
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd
Transmark International (pvt) Limied
EPC Contractor for Solar/Wind/Biomass/Thermal Power Plants and Gsrid Station.
- Business type: distributor
- Product types: packaged power systems, biomass energy systems, hydro energy systems (large), telecommunications power systems, batteries capacitor, gas turbine electric generators.
- Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment service, testing services
- Address: Suite 21, 4th Floor, Big City Plaza, Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore/pakistan, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan 54700
- Telephone: 924235773829
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Transmark International (pvt) Limied
Triangle Energy Group (TEG)
"Energy Choices for Your Future" is the TEG motto and is our commitment to providing solutions that offer the greatest energy flexibility to each customer.
- Business type: Energy Resource Development
- Product types: Energy Strategies and/or Systems designed to maximixe customer benefits by leveraging their unique opportunities. TEG specializes in biomass (Solar Energy-Stored Naturally ) solutions that include established relationships with: 1) TEG has organized Mobile Green Fuels, LLC to market and build mobile biodiesel production facilities as part of the TEG relationship with the developers of the revolutionary Mcgyan biodiesel process, McNeff Research Consultants, Inc. of Anoka, MN. 2) Whole Tree Energy technology developed by Energy Performance Systems, Inc., Rogers, MN. Additional information about TEG and its offerings is available at its website. .
- Service types: Energy Project development services
- Address: PO Box 8227, St. Paul, Minnesota USA 55108-1610
- Telephone: (952) 471-7571
- FAX: (952) 471-7060
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Triangle Energy Group (TEG)
- Business type: manufacturer, APIN Boilers, In-River waterwheel 70 Kw electric generation
- Product types: Watertube APIN Boilers, cogeneration systems, biomass energy systems, biomass energy boilers, anthracite coal fired boilers, heat exchangers, steam turbine electric generators, water heating systems, municipal solid waste disposal, electricity generation, In River Electric Generation, Electric Power Generation in Irrigation Canals. .
- Address: Av. Venezuela 2005, Lima, Lima Peru 01
- Telephone: 00(511) 99791-5506
- FAX: 00(511) 337-7247
Thermic Industries
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: biomass energy boilers, heat exchangers, cogeneration systems, biomass energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services
- Address: 189 Northcorp Boulevard, Broadmeadows, Victoria Australia 3047
- Telephone: ++61 3 9308 8880
- FAX: ++61 3 9308 8882
Trash 2 Recycling
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: Balers, Shredders, Compactors, Densifiers, Shears, Metal press, DeWatering equipment, plastic recycling, see our videos: youtube/user/disenberg2009.
- Service types: Recycling Equipment
- Address: PO Box 45, Running Springs, California USA 92382
- Telephone: (909)867-2099
- Business type: manufacturer, exporter, importer
- Product types: biomass energy systems, diesel electric generators, fuel powered electric generators, photovoltaic module manufacturing equipment, gas turbine electric generators, solar lighting systems.
- Telephone: 0091 9910044055
- FAX: 0091 11 24334014
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