Hybrid Power System Research and Development Businesses in the World by Business Name
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Eguana Technologies Inc - Institute of Solar Technology - Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE) - Brianok Engineering Nigeria Limited - Water, Energy & Power Solutions - WEPS, LLC - 1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc. - Advanced Solar Voltaic Sdn. Bhd. - Airstream India - Azure Dynamics Corporation - Becovillage - Bomar Energy Inc. - CanGhan DPC Consulting Ltd - Chepakov - Contained Energy - D&V Electronics Ltd. - Dj Equipment & Power Systems Ltd - Econnect - EDEC | The Energy Development Center - Electro Standards Laboratories - Engineer Procure Construct International - Entrust Planning & Environmental Consultants - Freidrich Enterprise - Greenergy - H2 Prime - IBCOenerg - Interconnect Solutions Ltd - Intermountian Wind and Solar - ISE Corporation - JG Reliant Industrial Distributor and Services - Kinetic Art & Technology - Matrix Electronics - NetGain Technologies, LLC -
Eguana Technologies Inc
Eguana Technologies designs and manufactures intelligent power electronics for distributed smart grid and energy storage applications.
- Stock Symbol: CDNX : STG
- Business type: Manufacturer
- Product types: Our proprietary inverters seamlessly integrate with energy storage devices and renewable energy generators. This creates systems with uncompromised efficiency and reliability at unbeatable lifecycle costs. .
- Address: 6143 4th Street SE, Unit 3, Calgary, Alberta Canada T2H 2H9
- Telephone: +1 (403) 508-7177
- FAX: +1 (403) 205-2509
- Web Site: http://www.eguanatech.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Eguana Technologies Inc
Institute of Solar Technology
Institute of Solar Technology has been established by "Shyamsundar Child and Women Development Society" (West Bengal Govt. Reg. Organization) as a "GREEN PROJECT" unit of this organization for reducing global warming through renewable energy technologies. Social BenefitEnergy independence is a social advantage that is provided by solar energy generation. Implementing solar energy generation gives a homeowner the ability to take control over his energy costs. Solar energy generation may also provide various government tax credits for a person who chooses to implement solar generation. Each participating state offers a renewable-energy incentive for both business and homes to recover costs of initial solar systems set-up. Youth EmploymentAn i...
- Business type: nonprofit organization, research institution
- Product types: solar electric power systems, photovoltaic systems, remote home power systems, backup power systems, composting systems, hybrid power systems.
- Service types: consulting, education and training services, research services
- Address: Shyamsundar Chawk, P. O. - Sontoshpur, Dist - Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal India 711310
- Telephone: +91 9804466982
- Web Site: http://www.cwdswb.org/Education/
- E-mail: Send Email to Institute of Solar Technology
Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE)
RISE aims to support the development of the Australian renewable and sustainable energy industries by offering a range of services, including renewable energy system and component testing (NATA accredited), education & training services, policy analysis & advice, research & development and consulting in the areas of RAPS, distributed generation, sustainable transport fuels and the Built Environment.
- Business type: University research centre
- Product types: Remote area renewable energy power systems and components, hybrid power systems, photovoltaic modules, small wind energy turbines (< 50 kW), renewable energy system batteries, inverters, fuel cells; assessment of distributed energy systems; monitoring and measurement of alternative transport fuel trials, hydrogen energy technologies. .
- Service types: testing, education & training, research & development, consulting, policy analysis;
- Address: South St, Murdoch, Western Australia Australia 6150
- Telephone: +618 9360 6620
- FAX: +618 9360 6624
- Web Site: http://www.rise.org.au
- E-mail: Send Email to Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE)
Brianok Engineering Nigeria Limited
Solar Energy:ConsultingInstallationsTrainingPublications
- Business type: electric utility
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment service, contractor services, maintenance an...
- Address: 2, Aina Street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos, Lagos, Lagos Nigeria 100001
- Telephone: +2348027590937
- Web Site: f:brianokengineeringltd.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Brianok Engineering Nigeria Limited
Water, Energy & Power Solutions - WEPS, LLC
Paneles solares, controles y "retrofits" de iluminacià n, mantenimientoâÛ"soluciones confiables de energà a renovable y eficiencia energética a su medida.
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, hybrid power systems, natural daylighting, solar electric power systems, wind turbines (small).
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment service, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, ...
- Address: Edif. Banco de Desarrollo Econà mico para Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico 00926
- Telephone: 787-781-5500
- Web Site: http://www.wepspr.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Water, Energy & Power Solutions - WEPS, LLC
1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
1stPower provides field proven reliability in its cost effective, well-engineered power products. These product solutions cover the production, conditioning, and control of AC and DC power in a wide range of environments. These rugged products meet the demands and rigors of military, government, industrial, medical and telecommunications sectors. Mobile applications include shipboard, submarine, vehicular, aircraft and field deployment. Stationary applications consist of factories, process plants, utilities, networks, even offshore platforms, and desert installations. The PowerStation and MilitaryPower® product lines are comprised of intelligent UPS, power distribution units, frequency converters, and battery systems. The intelligent featu...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, consulting, design, engineering, research/development, exporter
- Product types: backup power systems, battery, batteries, battery accessories, battery cables, battery chargers, battery charge controllers, battery containers, custom battery, military battery, telecommunication battery, renewable energy system battery, medical equipment battery, marine battery, industrial battery, emergency backup battery, computer and electronic components, DC to AC power inverters, DC to DC power converters, hybrid power systems, fuel cell systems, fuel powered electric generators, marine power systems, packaged power systems, photovoltaic system, portable power systems, solar electric charge controllers, solar energy, solar electric power systems, photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, tactical power supplies, telecommunications power systems, wind energy, large wind energy system components, small wind energy system component.
- Address: 219 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio USA 44902-1845
- Telephone: 419-522-4444
- FAX: 419-522-4466
- Web Site: http://www.1stpower.com
- E-mail: Send Email to 1st Power. com, a division of Energy Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Solar Voltaic Sdn. Bhd.
Inventors of the Smart, DC concept, PV systems. Save up to 80% energy. Solar panels with 30% more yield per Annum than Crystalline PV, controllers and PV equipment designed and built locally. Electricity for Rural areas, etc. Street lighting and many other systems available. Energy saving appliances. Certified PV Installers and system designers.
- Business type: Solar, Installer, system designer, Photovoltaic, integrator, manufacturer, Thin Film Renewable energy, wholesale supplier, exporter, experimental research.
- Product types: Solar Street lighting, Rural electrification. Energy saving appliances. (MPIA members). DC concept, Installer, system designer, Certified. Manufacturer Solar Thermal Air Conditioning, photovoltaic Thin Film cells, Solar Panels, Solar Controllers, Solar TV, Fan, Fridge, Solar Street lighting, Solar remote sensing, satellite communication, gates, Sol..., DC to AC power inverters, battery charge controllers, rechargeable batteries, deep-cycle batteries.
- Service types: Solar Power, Renewable energy, provider, system design, installation, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment services
- Address: 8, Jalan 2/137B, Resource Industrial Centre, 58200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 58000
- Telephone: (6 03) 79805419
- FAX: (6 03) 79816755
- Web Site: http://www.solarvoltaic.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Advanced Solar Voltaic Sdn. Bhd.
Airstream India
Wind and Solar Panel P. V hybrid system, Solar street lighting, Hydro electric systems, micro hydel water turbines, Solar PV modules.
- Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: Sourcing and Distribution. Retail Sales, Suppliers, Exporters, ImportersNam Tech Wind TurbinesDuisBurg Solar Gmbh P. V Modules.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, maintenance and repair services
- Address: #37, 3rd Cross, Bikasipura, J. C. Indst Area, , Bangalore, kar India 560062
- Telephone: +919986661449
- Web Site: http://www.airstreamindia.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Airstream India
Azure Dynamics Corporation
Azure Dynamics Corporation is an innovative company that has developed proprietary Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) technology for the light and medium duty commercial vehicle category. Azure's intellectual property combined with specified components provides an affordable and effective solution for fleet managers in urban delivery, postal, courier, taxi and small shuttle bus applications. Azureís patented Smart Energy Management Control System results in dramatic emissions reductions and a substantial improvement in fuel efficiency. Azure was the recipient of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Award 2003 from Natural Resources Canada in the category of transportation (light duty commercial vehicles) and also received the 2002 Applied Energy Innovation Award from the Canadian Institute of Energy (BC).
- Business type: Alternative Energy Technology
- Product types: alternative energy solutions for commercial vehicles, hybrid electric powertrain systems .
- Address: 350 Bay Street, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5H 2S6
- Telephone: 416-367-0220
- FAX: 416-367-9591
- Web Site: http://www.azuredynamics.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Azure Dynamics Corporation
Becoville is specialized in manufacturing, research, development and marketing of state of the art solar hybrid systems (PVT) and energy reduction products. The founders of Becoville have been working in solar energy and construction since start. Together they have a combined experience of more as 150 years in the business. Becovillage is our distribution, retail department that is available worldwide through our stores and franchise partners in more as 50 nations. At Becoville we take global warming very serious and developed the most efficient solar system available worldwide, the PVT modules. At Becoville we also believe in reducing energy consumption before installing the production units which ultimately makes it more affordable as les...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: hybrid power systems, geothermal energy systems, photovoltaic modules polycrystalline silicon, solar air heating systems, solar collectors flat plate, solar thermal energy, Hybrid solar modules or PVT.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment service
- Address: 5454 West Sahara, Las Vegas, Nevada USA
- Web Site: http://www.becovillage.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Becovillage
Bomar Energy Inc.
We are a diversified renewable energy company and we will give you an overview of the technologies and products we employ to meet your remote power or air treatment applications anywhere in the world. Our autonomous power section includes a host of products and systems that supply off-grid, grid-intertie and back-up electrical power while our energy efficiency section offers an overview of the innovative systems we utilize for residential, industrial or commercial make-up, such as, air, ventilation, crop drying and humdificiation requirements. So have a look at information that follows and feel free to call us at: Toll Free 1.866.464.8503 or 1.905.664.8503, fax at 1.905.664.4511, sales@bomarenergy.ca or info@bomarenergy.ca or careers@bo...
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer
- Product types: wind energy systems (small), solar water heating systems, solar air heating systems, photovoltaic systems, hybrid power systems, geothermal energy systems, back up power.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, recycling services, testing services
- Address: 15 Palm Crt., Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada L8G 2T8
- Telephone: 1.866.464.8503
- FAX: 905.664.4511
- Web Site: http://www.bomarenergy.ca
- E-mail: Send Email to Bomar Energy Inc.
CanGhan DPC Consulting Ltd
Promotion non-traditional device - Discrete Power Converter - reciprocating gravity/torque mechanism. The main applications -water powered pumps (like ram pumps),hybrid power systems,micro hydro energy systems.
- Business type: R&D in the Renewable Energy
- Product types: Reciprocating gravity machine that can be used as source of Renewable Energy. .
- Service types: consulting
- Address: 220-8611 General Currie Rd, Richmond, British Columbia Canada V6Y 3W4
- Telephone: 1-604-233-0371
- FAX: 1-604-233-0371
- Web Site: http://www.redrok.com/engine.htm#kornich
- E-mail: Send Email to CanGhan DPC Consulting Ltd
Our company has several years of experience in the area of renewable technologies. At the moment our most popular products are wind turbines (in the power range 300W-20kW), hydro turbines (300W-30kW), solar panels, VRLA batteries, inverters and all the accessories needed for the establishment of a small eco power station.
- Business type: retail sales, exporter
- Product types: wind energy systems (small), photovoltaic systems, hydroelectric turbines (small), hybrid power systems.
- Service types: consulting, installation, research services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 7 Odrin str. , Bourgas, Bulgaria 8000
- Telephone: 00359894455404
- Web Site: http://www.chepakov.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Chepakov
Contained Energy
Contained Energy is about cheap and clean renewable energy from sun, wind and air, especially in the tropics, especially for cooling and refrigeration.... For Homes and Resorts For Islands and Villages For Businesses For Public Areas Contained Energy systems continuously capture small quantities of Ôfree' energy from wind and sun, and store it, using existing, proven, sometimes Ôold', technologies applied in new ways. Contained Energy systems are spectacularly low-cost, both in initial investment and in operating, because they are simple, as well as modular and scalable AND, of course, because they use Ôfree' energy Please feel free to contact us to exchange ideas. This is an 'open source' project.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter
- Product types: backup power systems, energy efficient homes and buildings, wind energy system components (small), remote home power systems, alternative homes and buildings, hybrid power systems, hybrid solar/wind systems.
- Address: Jl. Cilandak Tengah 8a, Jakarta, DKI Indonesia 12430
- Telephone: +62 816 858 906
- FAX: +62 21 765 7308
- Web Site: http://www.containedenergy.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Contained Energy
D&V Electronics Ltd.
D&V Electronics of Toronto, Canada designs and manufactures automotive test systems for endurance, laboratory and end-of-line production testing. Accuracy, flexibility and sustainability are the core of each of D&V's new generation of products. Since its inception in 1997 supplying electrical/mechanical testing systems to the alternator and starter remanufacturing industry, D&V Electronics has grown its product line into numerous electric powertrain testing and component testing systems which are focused on supporting worldwide automotive technology leaders looking for advancing their Hybrid/Electric Vehicle initiatives. D&V Electronics' highly experienced engineers; researchers as well as unparalleled regional service providers, support te...
- Business type: Manufacturer, Developer, Researcher
- Product types: D&V Electronics' provides through its EPT Series of testers as well as the BST Series system, full testing capabilities for e-motor inverter and battery testing. Each series has been designed to support and enhance the capabilities for various applications such as development, validation and end of line processes. D&V has been supporting Electric a....
- Service types: Design, Engineering, Research Services
- Address: 130 Zenway Boulevard, Woodbridge, Ontario Canada L4H 2Y7
- Telephone: 905-264-7646
- FAX: 905-264-0502
- Web Site: http://www.dvelectronics.com
- E-mail: Send Email to D&V Electronics Ltd.
Dj Equipment & Power Systems Ltd
Dj Equipment & Power Systems Ltd. is one of the leading Security & Solar solution service providers in Bangladesh . We are working hard to serve the nation by producing Solar energy with different kinds of solar power products with a view to ensuring as well as to supporting and minimizing the load of National Power Grid.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
- Product types: LED lighting, solar water pumping systems, DC to AC power inverters sine wave, solar charge controllers, energy efficient appliances, remote home power systems, Solar Incubator.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment service, maintenance and repair services
- Address: Bashati Condominium, # House -15, #Road-17, #Block-c, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1213
- Telephone: +8801938257927,
- Web Site: WWW.DjAgroLtd.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Dj Equipment & Power Systems Ltd
- Business type: Electrical engineering consultancy, construction and products for renewable energy
- Product types: hybrid power systems, wind energy systems (large), onshore and offshore wind energy systems, photovoltaic systems, ocean energy systems, wave and tidal energy systems, biomass energy systems, hydro energy systems (small and large), distributed intelligent load controllers mini grids and islanded systems, network solutions, active network management techniques..
- Service types: Feasibility studies, market advice, contractors for renewables industry
- Address: Energy House, 19 Haugh Lane Ind Est, Hexham, Northumberland United Kingdom NE46 3PU
- Telephone: +44 01434 613600
- FAX: +44 01434 609080
- Web Site: http://www.econnect.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Econnect
EDEC | The Energy Development Center
EDEC, was established in the time when Vietnam is facing tremendous issued involving climate change and energy supply, with effort to enhance awareness of both community and Government on the matter of renewable energy, climate change, capacity building and energy efficiency. EDEC's expertise is Consultancy & Design, which means we provide our clients with customized & diligent services in Renewable Energy. In details, EDEC is working on:1. Doing research and implementation on areas:âÛ¢Energy and fuel industryâÛ¢Manufacturing industry, environmental and mechanical engineeringâÛ¢Water filter and environmental technology2. Supplying science and technology services:âÛ¢Promotion of technology transfer serviceâÛ¢Consultancy of technology transfe...
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, energy efficient appliances, solar water heating systems, wind energy systems (small), hybrid power systems, photovoltaic systems building integrated BIPV, Customized Services in Capacity Building.
- Service types: consulting, design, project development services, education and training services, research services, certification services
- Address: A18, My My Villa, Vanh Dai Dong Street, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam 084
- Telephone: +84 8 6279 8055
- Web Site: http://www.edec.org.vn
- E-mail: Send Email to EDEC | The Energy Development Center
Electro Standards Laboratories
Electro Standards Laboratories provides a team of expert and experienced engineering staff to support each client's research, development, and delivery needs. Expertise includes digital signal processor based electronics, mechanics, software programming, electric motor systems, power electronics, communications, Web-enabled systems, graphical user interface programming, and fiber optics. In addition, ESL provides manufacturing capabilities that can be utilized for production of top quality final products as well as for small quantity or prototyping needs.
- Business type: Research & Development
- Product types: electric cars, hybrid electric vehicles, energy efficient appliances, alternative fuel vehicles, electric vehicle batteries, hybrid power systems, Switched Reluctance Motor, Servo Motor Applications, Robotic Applications, Structural Control, Aircraft Arresting.
- Service types: Research & Development, Protyping
- Address: 36 Western Industrial Drive, Cranston, Rhode Island USA 02921
- Telephone: 401-943-1164
- FAX: 401-946-5790
- Web Site: http://www.ElectroStandards.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Electro Standards Laboratories
Engineer Procure Construct International
EPC International Pty Ltd. was incorporated in February 1999 in Melbourne, Australia as a Private Limited Company having its operations in Level 1, 3 Hamilton Place, Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149. The formation of EPCI was the brainchild of Vijay Zutshi who has had over 30 years of electrical engineering experience in the Transmission and Distribution fields while attached to Siemens, Australia. His vision into making EPCI a niche client Ð based service provider, targeting the Australian electrical utilities, came into reality when EPCI celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2009. Today, EPCI stands out proudly as one of the ISO 9001 certified companies and is progressing even stronger with experienced and qualified staff who not only cater for...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, distributor, electric utility
- Product types: batteries industrial, biomass energy system components, generators diesel, hybrid power systems, hydroelectric turbines (large), photovoltaic modules, lights, wind turbines, hydro, bio power plant, solar power plant, wind farm, hydrogen, deep cycle batteries.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
- Address: 5, Nagaga Place, Tavakubu, Lautoka, Fiji Islands
- Telephone: 6662579
- Web Site: http://www.epci.com.au
- E-mail: Send Email to Engineer Procure Construct International
Entrust Planning & Environmental Consultants
Across the UK & Ireland Entrust Can Offer:- Onshore Wind Planning- Noise, Shadow Flicker- Solar PV Planning (Farm, Roof, Ground)- Photomontages, Wireframes, ZTV- Other RE Technologies Planning- Cumulative Wind Studies- EIA/ ES- AutoCAD- Landscape & Visual- Aviation & Telecommunications- Feasibility Studies- GIS Mapping- Appeals- Surveys- Ecological- EnforcementWe also provide hybrid renewable energy solutions worldwide.
- Product types: hybrid power systems.
- Service types: consulting, project development services, architectural design services
- Address: Daresbury Innovation Centre, Keckwick Lane, , Daresbury, Cheshire United Kingdom WA4 4FS
- Telephone: +44 1925 607 235
- Web Site: www.en-trust.co.uk
- E-mail: Send Email to Entrust Planning & Environmental Consultants
Freidrich Enterprise
Young and upcoming renewable energy business company engaged in the distribution of solar lanterns, solar panels (10Wp-80Wp), Inverters (700W)and 1. 5Kva, Light Emitting Diodes for lighting purposes, Digital Measuring Kits, Importer of 11 Watts DC lights, Solar Batteries (100Ah and 70Ah), Solar Home System Kit and Streetlight Kit, European Solar Hot Water and Solar pumps. Also engages in Biogas studies and research. Do watch our movies at youtube - look for solarkidz
- Business type: retail sales, importer
- Product types: Deep cycle batteries, Solar Water Heaters, Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, DC to AC power inverters, Sealed Lead Acid Batteries, DC Lighting Systems, Hybrid Power Systems, Solar Lanterns, Solar Educational kits, Solar Hot Water System both Evacuated Tubes and flat panels, Renewable Energy Products and Kits, Pico-hydro from 200 watts to 1Kva hydro ....
- Service types: Integrator for Renewable Energy Projects and Power Solution-Inverters and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Address: #394 Paz St., Morning Breeze Subdivision, Kalookan City, NCR Philippines 1400
- Telephone: +639166076682/ +639335103002
- Web Site: http://www.freidrichent.webnode.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Freidrich Enterprise
Greenergy Solar PV Systems is a creative alternative energy venture based in Lahore. We provide low-cost and efficient solar pv solutions to Home and semi-commercial consumers. In order to reduce the costs of our systems we put our best to engineered optimizations and prefer local industry for our Electrical components.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, distributor
- Product types: backup power systems, batteries rechargeable, hybrid power systems, photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic systems.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment service, contractor services, ...
- Address: Multan Road, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan 54000
- Telephone: +923234511857
- Web Site: http://greenergy.org.pk
- E-mail: Send Email to Greenergy
H2 Prime
H2 Prime assists companies evaluate, design and implement complete hydrogen based power systems from H2 production through fuel distribution and consumption. Let us assist you develop a stable, economical back-up or standalone power generation system for your home or business.
- Business type: Hydrogen Power Systems Consultants
- Product types: hybrid power systems, fuel cell systems, backup and stand alone power systems consulting..
- Service types: Site evaluations, System Design, Project Managment
- Address: 529 7th St.South, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55415
- Telephone: 612-386-3029
- Web Site: http://www.h2prime.org
- E-mail: Send Email to H2 Prime
IBCO Energ is a Romanian private owned limited company (Ltd. ), established in 1999 with the mission of promoting renewable energy sources, through engineering and consultancy services, especially in the field of hydro-energy and wind energy but also other renewable energy. The company aims at sustaining both the hydro-energetic system functioning as well as the developments promoted by private investors, either by acquisitions of existing objectives or greenfield developments. Our team of professionals has a consistent expertise in the field and can offer you consultancy for practically all the stages required by the finalization of renewable energy projects. Our specialists prove flexibility and adaptability regarding the proposed solutio...
- Product types: wind energy systems (large), hybrid power systems, hydro energy systems (small).
- Service types: consulting, engineering, research services, site survey and assessment services
- Address: Ion Inculet str. 30-32, App. 2, Sector 1, Bucharest, Bucharest Romania 012194
- Telephone: +40 21 331. 10. 06
- FAX: +40 21 331. 10. 07
- Web Site: http://www.ibcoenerg.ro/en
- E-mail: Send Email to IBCOenerg
Interconnect Solutions Ltd
â Interconnect Solutions Ltd (ISL)â is a UK based company and a leading provider of Power & Telecom Solutions and Accessories for GSM Network & Telecom Operators, Private Service Providers, OEMâ s, Gov & Industrial Sector with regional Hub/Ware houses in UAE from where we deliver globally. ISL products & services are registered with major telecom operators like Etisalat, Du, Huawei, Safaricom, KDN, Ericsson, Coolcat Engineering, Compliance, Green Future, Konan Telecom, NSN, Warid, Zain, Telenor, Wataniya, Alcatel, Roshan etc in the Asia, Middle East and Africa region. Interconnect Solutions Ltd (ISL) UK has three brands to meet your needs:I-POWER : covers a wide range of Uninterrupted Power Supplies, Batteries, Automatic Voltage Regulat...
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor
- Product types: uninterruptible power supplies UPS, batteries lead acid, solar electric power systems, hybrid power systems, backup power systems, batteries emergency backup, RF components, Feeder cables, connectors, in-building solutions, high quality Coaxial Cables, Coaxial Connectors, PCM Cables, Optical Patch Cords, Optical Pigtails, Optical Connectors, ODFs, ....
- Service types: installation, project development services
- Address: SAIF Zone, Sharjah, Sharjah United Arab Emirates 9508
- Telephone: +971 6 5579960
- Web Site: http://www.i-sol.co.uk/
- E-mail: Send Email to Interconnect Solutions Ltd
Intermountian Wind and Solar
Intermountain Wind and Solar is excited to come and visit your site and help you find the right application for solar or wind power systems. One of our professional, well trained, employees will come and evaluate your site and help locate and size your system to your needs. There are many things to consider and we are here to help you make the right choice.
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales
- Product types: solar thermal energy, hybrid power systems, wind energy systems (small), photovoltaic systems, backup power systems, energy efficient homes and buildings.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, project development services, research services, site survey and assessment services, financial services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 1953 W. 2425 S., Woods Cross, Utah USA 84087
- Telephone: 801-298-5255
- FAX: 801-298-5355
- Web Site: http://www.imwindandsolar.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Intermountian Wind and Solar
ISE Corporation
- Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
- Product types: heavy-duty electric and hybrid-electrict vehicle drive systems and components, including ultracapacitor energy storage packs, electric air compressor and hydraulic pump, DC to AC power inverters, DC to DC power converters, fuel cell systems, remote wireless monitoring and automatic vehicle location systems..
- Service types: design, installation, engineering, project development services, research services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 12302 Kerran Street, Poway, California USA 92064-6884
- Telephone: 858-413-1720
- FAX: 858-413-1733
- Web Site: http://www.isecorp.com
- E-mail: Send Email to ISE Corporation
JG Reliant Industrial Distributor and Services
Establish in 2013, JG Reliant Industrial Distributor and Services offers sales, parts, and services of best quality Industrial Equipment and Solar Powered Water Pump System. We are known to be the most professional player in the Sales and Distribution of Industrial Machines and Solar Pump System business due to our ability to cater customer without discrimination. For us, there is no Big or Small client as we are ready to serve them giving outmost importance in fulfilling their needs in solving their problem in getting the right product to answer their needs.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, distributor
- Product types: batteries deep cycle, packaged power systems, generators diesel, photovoltaic modules, hybrid power systems, solar water pumping systems, Lighting Towers, Electric Submersible Pumps, Engine Driven Air Compressors, Rebar Cutters and Benders, Industrial Vacuum Machines, Floor Grinding Machines, Hardwood Sanding Machines, Parts and Services.
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, construction, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services, site survey and assessment service, contractor services, ...
- Address: B12 L10 Ferrari St., Mondo Bambini, Villaggio Di Xavier, Jubilation, Brgy. Platero, Binan City, Laguna Philippines 4024
- Telephone: +63-917-7038779
- Web Site: http://www.jgreliantequipment.com
- E-mail: Send Email to JG Reliant Industrial Distributor and Services
Kinetic Art & Technology
Kinetic Art & Technology is revolutionizing the state-of-the-art with its proprietary permanent magnet Segmented ElectroMagnet Array (SEMA) motor/generator technology. SEMA motors and generators provide incredible efficiency over a wide operating range, which makes them especially well suited for electric vehicles and wild or fixed frequency wind turbines. They also feature excellent power density and no cogging torque. Target market is OEMs.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: wind energy system components (small), wind energy system components (large), electric vehicle components, electric boat components, hybrid power systems, hydro energy system components (small), electric motor/generator.
- Service types: design, engineering, research services
- Address: 9540 Highway 150, Greenville, Indiana USA 47124-0250
- Telephone: (812) 923-7474
- Web Site: http://www.katech.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Kinetic Art & Technology
Matrix Electronics
Digital Solar And wind Power Converter. Electronic circuits design and development Analog Electronics Semiconductor Electronics Digital Electronics Sensor design Micro-controller programming C language, Assembly language and PIC Basic PRO Compiler PIC and ATMEL Micro-controllers AT89C51 based design and development Circuit Simulation using MULTISIM Circuit Simulation using PROTEUS 7. 10 PCB design and Schematics using ORCAD PSPICE Hi-Tech Compiler ALTIUM Designer MATLAB Simulink USB Interfacing RS232 serial communication protocol circuit designing and programming DC-DC Converter Design and Simulation Li-Ion Battery Charger Design Lead Acid Battery Charger Design Audio Circuit Designing using programmable gain amplifier Amplifier Design I...
- Business type: Embedded Software, Engineering, Microcontroller, PCB Layout
- Product types: power conversion equipment, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, hybrid power systems, solar water pumping systems, wind power plants, DC to AC power inverters sine wave, Product design with Microcontroller.
- Service types: consulting, design, engineering, project development services, education and training services, research services
- Address: 1016 Naya Nagar, Natun Bazar, Baridhara, Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1212
- Telephone: 0088 01819477520
- Web Site: http://www.matrixelc.com
- E-mail: Send Email to Matrix Electronics
NetGain Technologies, LLC
NetGain Technologies LLC is involved with research, development and testing of hybrid energy sources for electric and hybrid electric vehicles. We are also the exclusive distributor of WarP series wound DC electric motors made specifically for the needs of electric vehicles.
- Product types: hybrid electric vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles, electric cars, electric vehicle batteries, electric vehicle components, hybrid power systems, battery powered vehicles, ultracapacitors, supercapacitors, hybrid energy storage systems.
- Address: 12305 South New Avenue, Lemont, Illinois USA 60439
- Telephone: 630-243-9100
- Web Site: http://go-ev.com
- E-mail: Send Email to NetGain Technologies, LLC
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