LED Light Bulbs Retail Businesses in India

Bingk LED - Concept 4E - M. C. Lights - Acute Electronics Service & Control - Divya Electronics - Rapid Power Solutions - Retaillight -

Bingk LED

Low Energy lighting is being promoted the world over as the product of the future. Now that the lighting industry has a highly efficient GREEN option- LED, to replace conventional lighting methods, there is hope of reduction in global-warming and further damage to our Eco-system. Bingk is is one of the pioneers in bringing to India, Light Emitting Diodes or Energy-saving Eco-friendly lights which are now avariciously being used by architects, electrical consultants in various commercial and residential mega projects. We are proud to state that Bingk has over 300 LED lighting products to suit Indian conditions and replace most of the existing conventional light fittings. BINGK 3rd Generation LEDs are of 75 - 90 Lums per watt with perfect hea...

Concept 4E

Concept 4E is a futuristic thinking organization - conceptualized and created by four like-minded individuals with a passion to focus and address issues pertaining to Ecology, Energy and Environment. Our 4th E stands for Entertainment Ð with a thought process to conduct Events that are Green in nature. In a scenario where Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion and Natural Resource drain have become day to day issues, Concept 4E will provide Services, Solutions and Products to alleviate these issues to move towards a Greener Planet. With more than 100+ Years of combined experience in various streams of life and industries, the Directors of Concept 4E involve themselves in the day-to-day operations and activities of the company to drive the Gr...

M. C. Lights

We are the manufacturer of LED based lights ( Indoor/Outdoor) like street light, industrial light, LED bulb, flexible strip, Garden lights, Tube light, Ceiling light, fall ceiling light, Solar Street light etc. Our products are having 3years warranty with best prices in India.

Acute Electronics Service & Control

Divya Electronics

Rapid Power Solutions


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