LED Light Bulbs Businesses in Mexico
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Renewable Energy Businesses in Mexico |
LED Light Bulbs Businesses in the World |
Solar energy applied to public lighting projects, large scale lighting projects, LED and solar energy projects in Mexico and Latin America. We install autonomous video cameras with solar energy, garden solar lights, wind and solar applications. We also promote public lighting with LED lamps and induction lamps.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: Energy saving products of various kinds. Photovoltaic module components, solar energy. Public lighting with LEDs and induction lamps. LED lighting, LED light bulbs. solar garden lights, solar lighting systems, photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic panels, maintenance free batteries, photovoltaic energy projects. We serve Latin america. Productos: camaras de video vigilancia con energia solar, alumbrado publico solar o alumbrado publico con LEDs y lamparas de induccion. .
- Service types: design, installation, engineering, project development services, site survey and assessment services, architectural design services
- Address: Torcuato Tasso 245-730 Col. Polanco, Mexico-city, Df Mexico 11560
- Telephone: (55)29745445
- Web Site: http://www.icarvs-sol.com
- E-mail: Send Email to ICARVS S. A de C. V
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