LED Lighting Research and Development Businesses in Bangladesh

ORELCO (OnnoRokom Electronics Company Ltd) - Solar IC Ltd. -

ORELCO (OnnoRokom Electronics Company Ltd)

We are a faster growing electromechanical engineering firm with quality service as following-1. Digital Solar Charge Controller 2. Solar Package 3. Digital Voltage Stabilizer 4. LED lighting 5. LED Bulbs. 6. Garment Product auto Counting Machine 7. Empty Parking Place auto counting machine

Solar IC Ltd.

ESS (Energy Saving Solar) is newly invented way of utilizing solar energy by using Micro-inverter with energy saving appliances. This ground-breaking technology offers significant Cost savings (as much as 50%), Energy savings (as much as 90%) and Long Life (10 times). Standard SYSTEM:Standard Inverter has 20% conversion loss and almost 48% static loss . Along with 10% loss from solar charge controller a complete standard Solar system has to suffer a total of 78% energy loss. Effective sun hour in most places is 4 and half hour. So to charge batteries in this limited time and to gain 3-4 hour back up the standard solar system requires more than twice solar panel than operating load. For example to compensate the heavy system loss of traditio...

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