Solar Energy Export Businesses in Israel

Nimrod Industries Ltd. - Chromagen - Amcor Solar Energies Ltd - Amcortec Renewable Energy Ltd. - Elsol Solar Energy Systems Ltd - Green Gravity - M. S. L. Ltd - Plastic Magen - Prat Solar Industry Energy Ltd - SolarPower Ltd. - Interdan Ltd. - Natural Energy - Solasol representative -

Nimrod Industries Ltd.

Manufacturer of solar and electric water heating systems and components for more then 4 decades. Leader at the israeli solar water heating industry.


Chromagen, a pioneer in the production of solar water solutions since 1962, is the market-leader in Israel, which leads the world in per capita installations. Globally, the company has developed a solid install base, increasing supply and demand annually. Chromagen's systems, which are available in more than 35 countries worldwide, bring innovation, quality and cost savings to home owners, institutions and commercial projects. The commitment to deliver top-of-the-line water-heating solar solutions is in conjunction with the belief to promote environmental awareness.

Amcor Solar Energies Ltd

Amcor Solar Energies Ltd. Π a subsidiary of the Ashtrom Group - is a leading producer of Solar and Electrical heating systems for the Israeli and international markets. AMCOR SOLAR ENERGIES LTD exports to North and South America, Europe, Asia and to parts of the former USSR. With over 40 years experience in designing, developing and manufacturing, the company has put together a comprehensive line of high quality Solar Collectors, Solar and Electrical Tanks all approved by the Israeli Institute of Standards (I. I. S). The focus of the company is mainly on heating solutions for domestic and industrial usage. The Collectors size range between 1. 4 and 3. 6 sq. m., the Solar Tanks Volume range between 80 and 300 liters and the Electrical Tanks ...

Amcortec Renewable Energy Ltd.

AMCORTEC Renewable Energy Ltd. has succeeded to combine its experience and know-how in the renewable energy sector gained in more than 25 years with the most modern solar technology. We offer the most comprehensive services for domestic hot water heating of big structures such as hotels, holiday village, parents homes, building complexes, apartment buildings up to 10 floors and even more, hospitals, dormitories, military facilities and public buildings.

Elsol Solar Energy Systems Ltd

Green Gravity

Green gravity offers variety of solutions that meet the ascending demand in alternative energy exploit green energy. The Company specializing in consultancy, development, manufacturing and supplement of integrated systems, that produce, accumulate and supply the green energy from green sources like sun, wind, water etc. Green gravity stuff will help you, our client, to characterize and to adopt your needs in order to find the best solution we have. Except of technical and engineering services, our Company specializing in system components and green raw materials, like solar power modules, wind energy converters, hydro turbines, controllers, inverters, cables and connectors, accumulators, power supplies, protection units, grounding systems. ...

M. S. L. Ltd

World Wide,

Plastic Magen

Prat Solar Industry Energy Ltd

PRAT SOLAR ENERGY INDUSTRY LTD has been manufacturing, supplying and maintaining solar heating systems for the last 25 years, working with the commercial and residential sectors our top of the line customer service along with our great products put us at the front line of the industry

SolarPower Ltd.

SolarPower Israel Ltd. is a system integration company which provides renewable energy solutions. We design, integrate, supply and install solar energy systems for grid-connected applications, rural electrification, telecommunications, security applications, irrigation and many more.

Interdan Ltd. - Natural Energy

Solasol representative

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