Photovoltaic Module Contractor Businesses in the United Arab Emirates

Noor Power Energy DMCC - SES Technologies LLC -

Noor Power Energy DMCC

Noor Power is the premier Alternate Energy company in UAE and the Middle East. It is the largest such business specializing in Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Bio Energy. The company has provided total solutions to the utilities, power plants, telecom sector, corporate sector, agricultural sector and the home markets. We have total solutions for solar power plants, solar pumping, solar lighting, small wind turbines, mid-sized and large wind turbines, long lasting sealed batteries, energy efficient systems, solar air conditioning, solar evaporative cooling and other state of the art systems.

SES Technologies LLC

SES Group. We keep our promiseThat is the standard set by SES Group. This standard makes us one of the most innovative companies in the field of electrical engineering. We are an international company that has specialized in the fields of securitiy technology, electrical engineering and photovoltaics. Thanks to our four branch offices internationally, we are present on all relevant markets and thus always close to our customers. We advise and support you in each phase of your project. From project planning, hardware and software engineering, material scheduling and production in compliance with high quality standards, via assembly and commissioning up to training and service. Profit from our potential. We think in a cross-market way and con...

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