Photovoltaic Module Installation Businesses in Jamaica

Automatic Control Engineering Limited - Caribbean Solar Energy Co. Limited -

Automatic Control Engineering Limited

Suntech solar panelsXantrex inverters & charge controllersRolls batteries

Caribbean Solar Energy Co. Limited

Carisol is growing to be the leading expert manufacturer and supplier of solar water heating and other solar thermal products in the Caribbean. We design and manufacture superior solar heaters for residential, commercial and industrial applications. We are equipped to handle a production of six thousand sets of solar water heaters per day, thanks to our OEM's fully automated manufacturing plants. Carisol produces high quality solar water heaters that still work well on cold, cloudy and rainy days by harnessing the raw energy of the sun with the latest scientific technological innovations utilizing Antarctic vacuum tubes and superior heat preservation walls storage tanks, making Carisol the most efficient solar water heater ever made and th....

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