Photovoltaic Module Research and Development Businesses in Australia

Dyesol Limited - Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE) - Pacific Solar Pty Limited - Tek Trek Pty. Ltd. - University of New South Wales - University of New South Wales -

Dyesol Limited

Dyesol is the international leader in the commercialisation of dye solar cell (DSC) technology, bringing DSC to the forefront of the solar industry. Dyesol offers a full DSC solution to researchers and manufacturers comprising a wide range of products and services including materials, consulting, research & development, contracting, licensing, training, laboratory facilities, prototyping and pilot equipment, and turnkey manufacturing facilities. Dyesol partners with major corporations and customers around the world who have the capacity to develop large markets for next generation solar products, incorporating Dyesol materials and technology. The company has representation or business in every major country worldwide.

Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE)

RISE aims to support the development of the Australian renewable and sustainable energy industries by offering a range of services, including renewable energy system and component testing (NATA accredited), education & training services, policy analysis & advice, research & development and consulting in the areas of RAPS, distributed generation, sustainable transport fuels and the Built Environment.

Pacific Solar Pty Limited

The Australian company developing affordable solar photovoltaic systems for the rooftops of the world. Plug&PowerTM is a rooftop mounted, modular solar power system for grid-connection. With it you can harness clean, green energy from the sun, save money on electricity bills, and help create a healthier planet for generations to come.

Tek Trek Pty. Ltd.

University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales

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