Solar Pool Heating System Import Businesses in Argentina
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Grupo Solar
GRUPO SOLAR offers a comprehensive business platform in the area of the (STE) that includes the management of: TRAINING Training system implemented based on business experience designed and planned to meet a full spectrum of possibilities ranging from courses for (MP) Installation or Professional Installers (RTI) Installation Technical Representatives (PS) or Service Providers entrepreneurs. Objectives: promotion of employment and individual capacities and / or collectively towards sustainable development of EST. ENTREPRENEURSHIP ...
- Business type: solar energy solutions
- Product types: solar pool heating systems, solar water heating systems PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Heliocol Argentina: Heating system for swimming pool water or sanitary or industrial cost 0. The pool heating is the most widespread use of solar energy. Solahart: Through the use of free energy from the sun, you get a reduction in the consumption of conven....
- Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project development services, education and training services
- Address: Asamblea 643, Villa Lynch - San Martin, Buenos Aires Argentina 1672
- Telephone: +00541141159627 / 9057
- FAX: +00541141159627 / 9057
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Grupo Solar
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