Solar Pool Heating System Import Businesses in Lebanon
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AQUATHERMA Engineering s. a. l - ZeinSolar -
AQUATHERMA Engineering s. a. l
Aquatherma Engineering is a privately owned company founded in 1985 in Lebanon, specilizing in Environmental, Water and Natural Energy. The company engineers, and installs high quality, cost effective wind and solar energy systems for residential and industrial applications including individual and collective central installation. Moreover Aquatherma Engineering has the expertise to undertake any swimming pool, water or waste water treatment application.
- Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, distributor
- Product types: solar water heating systems, solar pool heating systems, wind turbines (small), solar lighting systems, photovoltaic systems, water filtering and purification systems, waste water treatment system.
- Service types: design, installation, engineering, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
- Address: 40079 Baabda, Zalka, Mount Lebanon Lebanon
- Telephone: 961-1-901293
- FAX: 961-1-901295
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to AQUATHERMA Engineering s. a. l
ZeinSolar thermal systems use the free heat of the sun, providing you with hot water round the year. It is an opportunity to use clean renewable energy while cutting down your expensive electricity bills. Our philosophy is to be the provider of the best quality hardware, lowest pricing and unparalleled execution. Thermosyphons are simple, robust, and the most cost-effective water thermal systems. It's a passive system, where heated water rises from the tube into the storage tank.
- Business type: importer, distributor
- Product types: solar collectors evacuated tube, solar pool heating systems.
- Service types: installation, engineering
- Address: Abbassieh Main Street, Centre Zein&Fawaz, Sour, Tyre Lebanon
- Telephone: 00961 71 530437
- Web Site:
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