Solar Pool Heating System Project Development Businesses in Ireland

Ecologics - Energy365 - Genersys Ireland Limited -


Vacuum Tube Solar water heating systems at affordable prices. Quality vacuum flasks for reliable and effective solar water heating.


Energy365 is a building services consulting engineering company specialising in the provision of low energy buildings for commercial and residential clients. Through a combination of design simulation & analysis, Energy365 provides independent low energy mechanical & electrical solutions for clients interested in pursuing healthy and low cost/low CO2 buildings. ¥ Energy365 selected as finalist for Green Awards - 2008 ¥ Designers of Irelands first A1 energy rated residential scheme - 2007 ¥ Energy365 selected as finalist for ESB/SEI Energy Awards - 2005

Genersys Ireland Limited

Genersys Ireland provide distribution, installation and support and maintenance services for the Genersys range of solar water heating and solar panel systems in Ireland. Genersys also provide distribution and installation services for associated renewable energy systems including the Jupiter screedless underfloor heating systems, Biotech woodpellet boilers, MCZ wood-pellet stoves, Atmos wood gassification boiler heating systems and bio-ethanol stoves and bioethanol fires throughout Ireland. Complete specification and installation services are provided for residential, commercial, industrial and swimming pool appications. Genersys have local representation throughout Ireland enabling rapid installation and support and maintenance services.

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