Wind Energy Nonprofit Organizations in the World by Business Name
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Renewable Energy Nonprofit Organizations in the World |
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Renewable Energy Office for Cornwall (REOC) - US Renewable Energy Association - Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH (DEWI - German Wind Energy Institute) - World Institute of Sustainable Energy - African Rural Energy Enterprise Development (AREED) - Renewable Energy Society - Era-Energy Renewable Energy Sources - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) - Tanzania Renewable Energy Association-TAREA - American Wind Energy Association - World Wind Energy Association WWEA e.V. - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES) - Wind on the Wires - Indian Wind Energy Association - Latin America Wind Energy Association - Asociacion Hondurena de Pequenos Productores de Energia Renovable, AHPPER - Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) - African Wind Energy Association - Alternative Technology Association - Austin Green Energy Group - Centre for Alternative Technology - CINER - Centro de Informacion en Energias Renovables - CLER - Comite de Liaison energies Renouvelables - Danish Wind Industry Association - Egetek - Aegean Technology Foundation - EnergyMatters. net - Finnish Wind Power Association - Illinois Renewable Energy Association - Independent Energy Producers Association - Kern Wind Energy Association - Malaviya Energy Consultancy -
Renewable Energy Office for Cornwall (REOC)
REOC supports and promotes Renewable Energy companies in Cornwall, UK, assisting them to compete in the global renewables market. REOC Partners currently cover Wind, Solar, Hydro, Water, Earth, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Consultancy, and encompass the private, public and academic sectors. Objectives include establishing the optimum way to develop the county's own RE resources, and encouraging new Partners into the region to benefit from the established cluster of RE technologies.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: All Renewable Energy Technologies, present and future.
- Address: Trevenson, Pool, Redruth, Cornwall United Kingdom TR15 3SE
- Telephone: +44 (0) 1209 610 701
- FAX: +44 (0) 1209 612041
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Renewable Energy Office for Cornwall (REOC)
US Renewable Energy Association
USREA is a volunteer renewable energy advocacy organization. We are made up of members just like you from across the USA. We rely on input, news and perspective from our members and partner companies to help spread the word about technologies that are revolutionary, and have the potential to change the way we power our future. We seek participation from schools, renewable companies, researchers and R. E. enthusiasts to assist with content and perspective, so we can share with others. We can only get better with your participation, so we look to our members to make this a great site. Do you belong?
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, wind turbines (small), backup power systems, biomass energy systems, electric cars, alternative home and building construction materials hydro, biomass.
- Service types: research services
- Address: 6697 Lakeshore Road, Lexington, Michigan USA 48450
- Telephone: 810-359-2250
- FAX: 810-359-2250
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to US Renewable Energy Association
Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH (DEWI - German Wind Energy Institute)
Established in 1990 by the Federal State Lower Saxony as a non-profit limited liability company (GmbH) in Wilhelmshaven, the German Wind Energy Institute (DEWI) has currently 29 employees, among them 12 engineers, 5 physicists and 2 economists. One of the main tasks of the institute is the applied research and development in the field of wind energy often performed in national and international co-operation. The commissions given for measurements of a large number of wind turbine generator systems (WTGS) and evaluations concerning site wind potentials and optimisation of wind farm configurations, indicates the high standard achieved by the institute and its personnel. DEWI's internal organisational structure mirrors the abundance of activities performed by DEWI in all areas of wind energy utilisation.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: wind energy systems (large), wind turbines (large), wind farms.
- Address: Eberstr. 96, Wilhelmshaven, Germany D-26382
- Telephone: ++49-(0)4421-4808-0
- FAX: ++49-(0)4421-4808-43
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Deutsches Windenergie-Institut GmbH (DEWI - German Wind Energy Institute)
World Institute of Sustainable Energy
World Institute of Sustainable Energy(WISE) not-for-profit institute provides Consultancy Services in Following Areas: Solar Energy Consultant, Wind Power Consultant, Regulatory Consultant, Climate Change Consultant, Renewable Energy Consultant.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, research institution
- Product types: Renewable Energy Consultancy, Solar Energy consultancy, Wind Power consultancy, climate Change Consultancy, Sustainable Energy Consultancy, A Solar Consultant, A Wind Consultant, A Regulatory Consultant, A Climate Consultant, Energy Consultant, solar thermal energy, wind power plants, photovoltaic cell materials, co generation systems, biomass ener....
- Service types: consulting, engineering, education and training services, recycling services, testing services, certification services
- Address: Plot No. 44, Hindustan Estates, Road No. 2, Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006. , Pune, Maharashtra India 411006
- Telephone: +91-20-26613832
- FAX: +91-20-26611438
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to World Institute of Sustainable Energy
African Rural Energy Enterprise Development (AREED)
AREED provides early-stage funding and enterprise development services to entrepreneurs, helping build successful businesses that supply clean energy technologies and services to rural African customers. Services include training, hands-on business development assistance and, for promising enterprises, early-stage investment and assistance in securing financing. The AREED initiative also works to broaden the skills of organizations involved in the energy and investment sectors to nurture energy entrepreneurs.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: early-stage funding and enterprise development services to entrepreneurs to help build successful businesses that supply clean energy technologies.
- Service types: project development services, financial services
- Address: c/o KITE, P.O. Box 6534, Kumasi, Ghana (Mali, Senegal, Zambia)
- Telephone: +233.51.33824
- FAX: +233.51.33824
- Web Site:
Renewable Energy Society
Renewable energy is important for the survival of human race as non-renewable sources will eventually be running out. Coal pollutes the environment creating green house gases. Nuclear power puts the lives of surrounding residents at great risk. In an event of nuclear spill contamination can last of hundreds of years. Today in countries such as Iceland, Takjikistan, Paraguay, Albania and Lethoso 100 % of all energy generated comes from renewable sources. However, in most countries the percentage of power generated from renewable sources is insignificant. The aim of Renewable Energy Society (RES) is to promote renewable energy generation and fund renewable energy projects.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Service types: promotion of renewable energy, news updates, education and training, research
- Address: PO Box 5089, Hughesdale, Victoria Australia 3166
- Telephone: +61 3 9579 5710
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Renewable Energy Society
Era-Energy Renewable Energy Sources
We are focused on providing free information about renewable energy sources â governance, policies, analysts, organizational support, manufacturers and other facts and data related.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: hydro energy systems (large), photovoltaic cells, wind turbines (large), wind turbines (small), photovoltaic systems, geothermal energy systems.
- Service types: consulting, education and training services
- Address: Hayden Rd. , Scottsdale, Arizona USA 85260
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Era-Energy Renewable Energy Sources
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
As the nation's leading center for renewable energy research, NREL is developing new energy technologies to benefit both the environment and the economy.
- Business type: government research laboratory
- Product types: renewable energy information.
- Service types: research
- Address: 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colorado USA 80401
- Telephone: 303-275-3000
- Web Site:
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
EWEA is the voice of the wind industry - actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide. EWEA members include manufacturers covering 98% of the world wind power market, component suppliers, research institutes, national wind and renewables associations, developers, electricity providers, finance and insurance companies and consultants. The combined strength of more than 250 members from over 40 countries makes EWEA the world s largest renewable energy association. EWEA is the first stop for external enquiries about wind power from around the world.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: wind energy systems (large), wind energy systems (small) EU Association Non EU Association Component / Materials Manufacturer Consultancy Developer Electricity generator / Utility Event Organiser Finance / Insurance R&D / University / Institute Other Wind Turbine Manufacturer Certification Body.
- Address: 63-65 Rue d'Arlon, Brussels, Belgium B-1040
- Telephone: + 32 2 546 1940
- FAX: + 32 2 546 1944
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association-TAREA
Mission of TAREA is to develop and promote rational use of solar energy through its members by coordinating provision of relevant information, knowledge, skills and resources geared towards community socio-economic development and environmental sound practices. Objectives of TAREA are to:(1)Encourage research and education in solar energy (2)Disseminate knowledge and information in the field of solar energy(2)Create opportunities in Tanzania for persons interested in the application of solar energy and related technologies to meet the common ground. (3)Create an organisation in Tanzania, which can provide expert advice on solar energy matters, and assist in recommending standards and codes in the application of solar energy related technolo...
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: solar electric power systems, wind energy systems (small), biomass energy systems, energy efficient lighting, energy efficient appliances, hybrid power systems, Bio gas, charcoal and wood stoves.
- Service types: Renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
- Address: Mandela Road, Plot 1080 Mabibo External, Export Processing Zones, Shopping Arcade 17, P. O Box 32643, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Telephone: +255-753-383805
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Tanzania Renewable Energy Association-TAREA
American Wind Energy Association
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: wind energy.
- Address: 122 C Street NW 4th Floor, Washington, Washington DC USA 20001
- Telephone: (202) 383-2500
- Web Site:
World Wind Energy Association WWEA e.V.
WWEA represents all branches of the wind sector in 80 countries worldwide: national wind energy associations, scientific institutes, industry, public bodies, etc.
- Business type: trade association, nonprofit organization
- Address: Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany
- Telephone: +49-228-369 40-80
- FAX: +49-228-369 40-84
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to World Wind Energy Association WWEA e.V.
European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES)
EUFORES is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels, engaged in EU institutional and political promotion of renewable energy-related issues throughout the European Union, as well as in widespread communication between sectorial actors and towards society.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: EU policy development & communication for solar electric power systems, hydro energy systems (large), wind energy systems (large).
- Address: Rue d'Arlon 63-65, Brussels, Belgium B-1040
- Telephone: +32-546-1948
- FAX: +32-546-1934
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES)
Wind on the Wires
Wind on the Wires is a collaborative organization that seeks to ensure that bottlenecks in the upper Midwest's electrical transmission system are removed and that the rules of the road are implemented in a way that puts wind power on a level playing field with other electrical technologies. Wind on the Wires focuses on three primary areas: 1) technical issues 2) regulatory issues 3) education and outreach Wind on the Wires staff welcome your questions, comments and correspondence about these exciting, important issues.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: wind energy systems (large).
- Address: 1619 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota USA 55104
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Wind on the Wires
Indian Wind Energy Association
A not-for profit, pan-indian organisation working in the larger interest of wind energy community with the objective of making wind energy popular and commercially viable alternative source of energy.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: wind energy system components (large), wind energy systems (small), wind turbines (large), wind energy systems (small).
- Address: Phd House, 4Th Floor, Siri Fort Road,, New Delhi, India 110 016
- Telephone: +91-11-26523452
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Indian Wind Energy Association
Latin America Wind Energy Association
The Latin American Wind Energy Association, LAWEA, promotes the use of Wind Energy as a clean electricity source to be supplied to Latin America countries. LAWEA es la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Energia Eolica la cual promueve el uso de esta energia renovable como una opcion de electricidad limpia para abastecer los paises de la region latinoamericana. lawea. org
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association, membership organization
- Product types: Wind Energy Association. Asociacion de Energia Eolica. WIND EXPO, LAWEA workshops, Printed member directory, LAWEA newsletter, yearbook. lawea. org.
- Service types: trade association, events, workshops, consulting, networking
- Address: 9418 FM 2920 Rd, Tomball, TX USA 77375
- Telephone: +1 281 710 7456
- FAX: +1 281-255-4906
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Latin America Wind Energy Association
Asociacion Hondurena de Pequenos Productores de Energia Renovable, AHPPER
Honduran asociation of small-scale renewable energy producers. Private companies developing renewable energy projects in Honduras, specially hydro and solar projects, but also with an interest in wind, biomass and geothermal energy.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: hydro energy system components (large), solar electric power systems, biomass energy systems, geothermal energy systems, wind energy systems (large), hybrid power systems.
- Address: Edificio Millenium, Col. Tepeyac, 4th floor, #16, Tegucigalpa, D.C. Honduras 15100
- Telephone: (504) 235-8533
- FAX: (504) 235-8533
- Web Site:
Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA)
We foresee a robust Canadian wind energy community that makes a significant contribution to safe, reliable, economically and environmentally sustainable energy supply in Canada. CanWEA's Mission is to represent the wind energy community, comprised of organizations and individuals who are directly involved in the development and application of wind energy technology, products and services, and to support the appropriate development and application of all aspects of wind energy including the promotion of a suitable policy environment.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, industry association
- Product types: wind energy information.
- Service types: advocacy, leadership, information, support and communication
- Address: 810-170 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 5V5
- Telephone: 613-234-8716 or Toll Free 800-922-6932
- FAX: 613-234-5642
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA)
African Wind Energy Association
AfriWEA is a non-profit organisation formed in 2002 to encourage manufacturers, developers, governments, renewable energy owners and individuals to promote and support wind energy development on the African continent. Membership of AfriWEA is open to individuals, corporations, government departments, small businesses, NGOs, research and academic institutions. Membership shall be divided into five types: sustaining, corporate, associate, honorary & affiliate. Free membership for 2005.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Address: PO Box 313, Darling, Western Cape South Africa 7345
- Telephone: 022-492-3095
- FAX: 022-492-3096
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to African Wind Energy Association
Alternative Technology Association
The ATA (Alternative Technology Association) is Australia s leading not-for-profit organisation, promoting sustainable technology and practice. The ATA provides services to members who are actively walking the talk in their own homes by using good building design, conserving water and using renewable energy. ATA advocates in government and industry arenas for easy access to these technologies as well as continual improvement of the technology, information and products needed to change the way we live. With branches and members around Australia and New Zealand, ATA provides practical information and expertise, based on our members hands-on experience. ATA also offers advice on conserving energy, building with natural materials, reusing, ...
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: magazines and publications.
- Address: Level 1, 39 Little Collins St, Melbourne, VIC Australia 3000
- Telephone: +61 3 9639 1500
- FAX: +61 3 9639 5814
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Alternative Technology Association
Austin Green Energy Group
"The mission of the Austin Green Energy Group is to enhance our community and protect our environment through activities that preserve and conserve our natural resources with a focus on promoting education and the building of solutions for efficient energy utilization. " Our members provide consulting services in concert with local education institutions.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: photovoltaic systems, wind energy systems (small), energy efficient homes and buildings.
- Service types: consulting
- Address: Austin, Texas USA
- Telephone: (512) 417-9737
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Austin Green Energy Group
Centre for Alternative Technology
Europe's leading eco-centre, with over 30 years experience of living and working with environmental technologies, CAT offers a professional, tailor-made consultancy service to both individuals and organisations. We also offer courses, educational services, publications and a free information service.
- Product types: books and publications.
- Service types: education, consulting, analysis, publishing, visitor centre
- Address: Machynlleth, Powys United Kingdom SY20 9AZ
- Telephone: +44 1654 705950
- FAX: +44 1654 702782
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Centre for Alternative Technology
CINER - Centro de Informacion en Energias Renovables
Information Center on Renewable Energy: Solar photovoltaic, Passive solar, micro hydro-energy bio-gas, eolic energy and electrification, GIS. Follow up and evaluation of Energy Policies, Programs and Projects. Strategic and Operational Planning for projects and institutions. Facilitation of workshops, Seminars, Conferences. Workshop moderation for Strategic Planning, using sinfonie, metaplan, FODA, EDPO, ZOPP, quick diagnosis, DOP, among others.
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: We promote through the Energy, Environmental and Educational Sectors the harmonic development of society, providing specialized information, advising, promoting, training human resources in areas of: technological application, administration, analysis, execution and evaluation of projects, bringing together the demand of these areas with the financ....
- Service types: Information Center on Renewable Energy
- Address: Av. Santa Cruz No 1274, Edif. Comercial Center, P-3, Of-3, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2672
- Telephone: 591-4-4280702
- FAX: 591-4-4295996
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to CINER - Centro de Informacion en Energias Renovables
CLER - Comite de Liaison energies Renouvelables
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Product types: The CLER hosts a Documentation Centre and realeases each two months a review called "CLER INFOS". Moreover CLER is active in the developement of renewable energies, CLER offers project supporting and is the co-ordinator of an European project called "PREDAC". .
- Service types: CLER gathers the professionals in the field of renewable energy and energy saving
- Address: 2-B rue Jules Ferry, Montreuil, France 93100
- Telephone: +33 1 55 86 80 00
- FAX: +33 1 55 86 80 01
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to CLER - Comite de Liaison energies Renouvelables
Danish Wind Industry Association
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: Wind Turbines, wind energy electric generators.
- Address: Vester Voldgade 106, Copenhagen V, Denmark DK-1552
- Telephone: +45 3373 0330
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Danish Wind Industry Association
Egetek - Aegean Technology Foundation
If it is required from us to find business partners in Turkey we have good contacts. We collaborate to bring interested people together in technology matters related to joint work and also looking for innovative companies who would like to take a place in Turkey. The Technology Free - Zone of Urla (next to Alacati) has 10 year tax advantages, ALACATI development explained in our web pages is under development to follow. Business incubator, wind energy and wind farm development, technology zone development through our associated companies. Recently we can connect you to the small energy systems people who now are planning to have grid connected types as the Turkish Government now allows up to 500 kW or even more direct grid connections.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, technopark development, wind farm development
- Product types: technology development activities, close relation to housing project development for technology innovative life-style in Alacati, Cesme Region Smallwind generator prototype development up to 3 kW or more high voltage 400 Volt and related battery and invertor system. .
- Service types: business incubator, wind energy development activities and lobby
- Address: Eski Belediye Binasi Yani, 1001 Sokak No:6, , Alacati, Cesme, Izmir Turkey 35950
- Telephone: +90 533 302 2295
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Egetek - Aegean Technology Foundation
EnergyMatters. net
The leading software for energy professionals.
- Business type: Consulting
- Product types: Solar, storage and wind energy estimators and professional software. .
- Service types: Solar energy analysis and professional services
- Address: P. O. Box 4352, Santa Rosa, California USA 95402-4352
- Telephone: 707-861-0101
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to EnergyMatters. net
Finnish Wind Power Association
- Business type: nonprofit organization
- Address: P.O. Box 846, Helsinki, Finland FIN-00101
- Web Site:
Illinois Renewable Energy Association
The Illinois Renewable Energy Association's mission is to be a network for sharing ideas, resources and information with individuals, businesses, and communities to promote a resilient future through renewable energy, energy efficiency, and earth friendly technology.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: alternative fuel vehicles, alternative homes and buildings, photovoltaic systems, solar electric power systems, solar water heating systems, wind energy systems (small).
- Service types: project development services, education and training services, site survey and assessment services
- Address: 1230 E. Honey Creek Rd., Oregon, Illinois USA 61061
- Telephone: 815-732-7332
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Illinois Renewable Energy Association
Independent Energy Producers Association
The IEPA is a non-profit trade association representing the interests of firms involved with cogeneration, wind, solar, hydroelectricity, and geothermal technologies. The IEPA advocates policies that create market opportunities for the independent power industry.
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: .
- Address: 1112 I Street, Suite 380, Sacramento, California USA 95814
- Telephone: 916-448-9499
- FAX: 916-448-0182
- Web Site:
Kern Wind Energy Association
- Business type: nonprofit organization, trade association
- Product types: wind-powered generators.
- Address: P.O. Box 41616, Bakersfield, California USA 93384
- Telephone: 661-831-1038
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Kern Wind Energy Association
Malaviya Energy Consultancy
Training & Consultancy and also interested to act as representative in India for organisations based in USA and Europe
- Business type: service, consultancy, training, market research
- Product types: Solar energy consulting, Solar energy training, market and product research, Energy conservation related events.
- Service types: Consultancy and training in Solar Energy Systems Engineering
- Address: T301, Ashoka Mall, Bund Garden Road, Opp Hotel Sun & Sand, Pune, Maharashtra India 411001
- Telephone: +91-20-26166162, +91-9890033399
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to Malaviya Energy Consultancy
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