Large Wind Turbine Tower And Structure Manufacturers in Mexico
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Manufacturer of Finish Machined & Forged SEAMLESS ROLLED RINGS used for WIND TOWER FLANGES, wind turbine PITCH BEARINGS, GEARS, COUPLINGS, YAW DRIVE RINGS, and many more applications. STEELS: Carbon, Alloy, Stainless, Tool Steels, Inconel Based Alloys, Titanium Alloys.
- Business type: manufacturer
- Product types: gas turbine electric generators, heat exchangers, hydroelectric turbines (large), wind energy system components (large), wind energy towers and structures (large), wind turbines (large), Manufacturer of Finish Machined & Forged SEAMLESS ROLLED RINGS used for WINDTOWER FLANGES, windturbine PITCH BEARINGS, GEARS, COUPLINGS, YAW DRIVE RINGS, and many more applications..
- Service types: Manufacturing of Seamless Rolled Ring forgings used in diferent windmill applications
- Address: Valentin G. Rivero #127 Col. Los Trevino, Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon Mexico 66350
- Telephone: +52-81-8153-0306
- FAX: +52-81-8336-2904
- Web Site:
- E-mail: Send Email to FRISA FORJADOS
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