Large Wind Turbine Research and Development Businesses in Belgium

1-2-3 PTIB Wind Technologies S. A. -

1-2-3 PTIB Wind Technologies S. A.

Dear Source Guides Members, Our wind patent, called Power & Torque Increase Box (PTIB) is NOT A NEW TECHNOLOGY and can be applied as a wind turbine Power & Torque Increase Box although the physical and mathematical dynamic models behind it are very complex. It really does increase the power & torque of a same size & design blades wind turbine, being operated under same wind speed & weather conditions : - by +260 % in torque . . . I know that you are thinking to the Betz law and so it is theoretically impossible. False ! And we prove it any time, any location, in a wind tunnel from whatever leading wind turbine manufacturer or from any university like the one from the Deltf University ( http://lr. tudelft. nl/en/organisation/departments-and-...

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