Small Wind Turbine Tower And Structure Wholesale Suppliers in Australia

Australian Wind and Solar - Renewable Engery Marketplace - Soma Power P/L -

Australian Wind and Solar

Australian Wind and Solar Manufacture, design and install quality Renewable Energy systems: Solar, Wind, Hybrid, On-Grid, Off-Grid systems for your home, farm or business to reduce your energy costs or provide an energy source where there is none available. Company OverviewAustralian Wind and Solar is a renewable CEC approved energy company providing grid connected and off grid power solution from Wind and / or Solar energy. We provide a sales and / or installation. DescriptionAustralian Wind and Solar was Founded by Mr Adam Falzon in 2011. Prior to this Adam had over 18 years experience as a qualified electrician, engineering and renewable energy design and installation. Adam Spent 12 years at Nilsen Electric Vic, the longest running elect...

Renewable Engery Marketplace

Buy alternative energy equipment at discounted prices. Solar panels (modules), inverters, wind turbines, regulators, battetries, battery chargers and more ...

Soma Power P/L

Manufacturer of Soma 400W and 1000W wind generators and tilt towers for battery charging and grid connect systems.

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