Small Wind Turbine Research and Development Businesses in the World by Business Name

'DRET' Distributed Renewable Energy Technologies, LLC - Urban Green Energy - Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE) - Abundant Renewable Energy - Vaigunth Ener Tek (P) Ltd. - Ener Egypt JSC - Buildmet Technologies Pvt Ltd - Ruzgar Enerjisi Kulubu - Water, Energy & Power Solutions - WEPS, LLC - NEOSUN Energy - A Green Building Group - AESP Group - Airstream India - Bach-khoa Investment and Development Of Solar Energy - Beijing Asia Alliance Base Environmental Protection Co., Ltd - Brightergy, LLC - Chloride International Ltd. - Clean Electric - Dragons Breath - Equinox Sun-Wind Systems - Forcefield - Global Brains Inc., - Global NES of Oregon - Gual Industrie - HNU Energy - Ingeniería para el Control del Ruido - Kedco Bio Science Energy Experts - Kedco Bio Science Energy Experts - Lee Wind Energy - M/s. Windcare India Private Limited - Machines International - Magenn Power Inc. -

'DRET' Distributed Renewable Energy Technologies, LLC

System R&D, design, develop and manufacture Vertical Axia Wind Turbine for distributed power needs for remote area, villages, schools, hospitals, residential, commercial and industrial buildings, and defence communication. Water pumping too.

Urban Green Energy is a worldwide leader in vertical axis wind turbines and wind/solar hybrid solutions. Please visit our website for more information!

Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE)

RISE aims to support the development of the Australian renewable and sustainable energy industries by offering a range of services, including renewable energy system and component testing (NATA accredited), education & training services, policy analysis & advice, research & development and consulting in the areas of RAPS, distributed generation, sustainable transport fuels and the Built Environment.

Abundant Renewable Energy

Vaigunth Ener Tek (P) Ltd.

We are Small wind turbine system manufacturer in India Since 2002 from the range of 200 watts to 30 kW machines, ORC Engine (10-KW to 200 KW), Hydrogen Generator(HHO) Up to 30-LPM, Solar Adsorption Chiller (10-Ton to 100 Ton) and solar desalination plant up to 1000 Liter per day.

Ener Egypt JSC

Solar Business, PV installations, Wholesales, Industrial and private installations, EPC Installing, Maintenance and after sales support, Manufacturing

Buildmet Technologies Pvt Ltd

Custom designed and manufactured products for renewable energy. Solar charge controllers, solar power metering and data logging. Vertical Axis wind turbine with controller for small off grid low wind speed areas. Catering to the India market and exploring Africa and far east market for affordable and reliable electronics to complement Solar PV and Vertical Axis Wind turbines certified IEC61400.

Ruzgar Enerjisi Kulubu

Confused about which wind turbine to buy to benefit from the opportunity to produce and sell your electricity in the unlicensed wind market in Turkey? We are a consulting company in medium sized wind turbines (100kw, 250kw, 500kw wind turbine and over) in Turkey. We evaluate your needs and recommend the best turbine for your needs based on our extensive research, customer interviews and connection with major manufacturers and distributors in Turkey.

Water, Energy & Power Solutions - WEPS, LLC

Paneles solares, controles y "retrofits" de iluminacià n, mantenimientoâ�"soluciones confiables de energà a renovable y eficiencia energética a su medida.


NEOSUN Energy is a global manufacturer and supplier of solar panels and components such as wind turbines, charge controllers, inverters, batteries.

A Green Building Group

renewable energy systems wholesale, install, construct, design, energy management, and consulting. wind, solar and green construction services for LEED credits

AESP Group

Founded in 2002, AESP inc. specializes in custom fabrication of metal parts and is distinguished by its diversity of products and value added services. Whether through metal fabrication of all kinds, through our autonomous lighting solutions or our support services for innovation, we provide our customers a full range of services. From initial prototyping to high volume production, we ensure at all times to prioritize quality and service, while meeting deadlines.

Airstream India

Wind and Solar Panel P. V hybrid system, Solar street lighting, Hydro electric systems, micro hydel water turbines, Solar PV modules.

Bach-khoa Investment and Development Of Solar Energy

BK-IDSE(Bach Khoa Investment and Development of Solar Energy) was created in 2006 by the specialists in the Renewable Energy domain. Our directors, Mr Nguyen Huu Hung, Mrs. Duong Thanh Luong and Mr. Nguyen Duong Tuan, formerly worked at RECTERE (Research Center of Thermal Equipment and Renewable Energy) of Polytechnic University of HoChiMinh City of VietNam. Since 1990, we have installed about 900 small wind turbines and over 500 Solar water heating systems in Vietnam. Vietnam has a very good Wind and Solar resource and we are looking for the cooperation from around the world to wake up this huge potential.

Beijing Asia Alliance Base Environmental Protection Co., Ltd

Leading manufacturer and supplier of renewable energy products:wind generator,solar lights,solar panel,wind/solar power system,wind&solar hybrid system

Brightergy, LLC

We are a full service, licensed, solar energy company, servicing all 50 states. We design, install, distribute and maintain systems. In-house engineering staff also provide consulting services for design professionals.

Chloride International Ltd.

Design, manufacture and supply of solar photovoltaic systems, micro wind electric power systems, batteries for all applications and power electronics for control, instrumentation and power supply using renewable energy systems like solar charge controllers, wind turbine charge controllers,solar inverters -both sine and modified sine wave design,high frequency DC powered CFl lighting systems. The Company is looking for International Distributors and partners for our products.

Clean Electric

Combining the power of Engineering & Meteo Science. Area of expertise: --- Wind Energy Assessment --- Wind Measurements --- Wind Project Due Diligence --- Wind Turbine Consulting --- Renewable Energy Experts

Dragons Breath

Microgeneration solar thermal equipment,solar photovoltaics, wind turbines. Any shape style or designs manufacured to suit your requirements

Equinox Sun-Wind Systems

Small Wind & Solar Systems; Research/Testing and International Sales and Consulting


We offer free information, parts, and plans for the renewable energy enthusiast. Our website features several wind turbine plans and informative pages about wind power, solar power, conservation, and all the important aspects of a renewable energy system. We also host an active discussion forum on the topic of renewable energy with a focus on 'homebrew' systems. We sell magnets, books, plans and parts on our sister website at

Global Brains Inc.,

We are manufacturer of led lightings, microwind turbinesand solar water pump. We are into renewable since 2008 and have a team who can solve all problems, we are specilised in solar water pump and wind turbine (small)all types of led lightings are manufactured by us.

Global NES of Oregon

Global NES of Oregon specializes in energy efficiencies methodologies and renewable energy technologies powered by clean sustainable solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy sources. We provide our clients with a 360 degree approach that includes energy reduction measures, multiple system options (solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and more) and financial solutions to meet specific needs. We are results oriented and client focused, which means, we listen more than we speak, with the end result being a reliable, affordable, clean energy and efficiency program unique to each customer. Please contact us for more details.

Gual Industrie

A new generation of wind turbine with vertical axis who can integrated on houses and buildings, the Statoeolien GSE...

HNU Energy

HNU Energy commercializes certain technologies developed by HNU Photonics. We are currently offering state of the art LED lighting solutions and PV solar systems. Founded on the vision of bringing green collar jobs and energy security to Hawaii, Hnu Energy is constantly researching and updating energy products. With many partnerships, both domestic and international, we are apt at rapidly developing next generation technologies.

Ingeniería para el Control del Ruido

ICR, International Acoustic Engineering, solves problems of noise and vibrations. Its main priorities are three: consulting, R & D and training. ICR has achieved an important position in the acoustic engineering for wind energy sector, thanks to its prediction techniques, based on real measurements and the application of the company's own theoretical methods.

Kedco Bio Science Energy Experts

Kedco is a bio science energy company operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland and specialising in Anaerobic Digestion, Gasification technologies, Combined Heat & Power Units, Biomass Heating Systems, Solar Heating Systems and Wood Pellet Heating Systems. Kedco has identified that the future of the anaerobic digestion is driven by Governmental, EU and Environmental pressures on existing waste operators, forcing them to utilise waste as a resource and further highlighting the hidden value of this resource as a sustainable energy form, while vastly increasing profits for our partners.

Kedco Bio Science Energy Experts

Kedco is a bio science energy company operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland and specialising in Anaerobic Digestion, Gasification technologies, Combined Heat & Power Units, Biomass Heating Systems, Solar Heating Systems and Wood Pellet Heating Systems. Kedco has identified that the future of the anaerobic digestion is driven by Governmental, EU and Environmental pressures on existing waste operators, forcing them to utilise waste as a resource and further highlighting the hidden value of this resource as a sustainable energy form, while vastly increasing profits for our partners.

Lee Wind Energy

Lee Wind Energy provides turnkey wind energy solutions like Wind Turbine Installation, MET Tower Installation & Wind Data Collection, Wind Turbine Transportation, Wind Turbine Foundations & Civil Construction for Crane Paths, Tower Wiring & Substation Install, Community Wind Projects, and much more.

M/s. Windcare India Private Limited

We are one of the leading wind turbine service provider and we have a special state of art with out crane dismantling and re erection of wind turbine components like Gear box, generator, Rotor Blade units etc by using derrick structures of any capacity and at any hub heights. We also supply technical man power for wind turbine related service works and can be able to suplly for all over the world.

Machines International

Axiom Group (Machines International) (M3 Logistics 'Transportation')(M2 Construction and Project Management) (Quigg International- 'Automation & Electrical')~ Wind Farm Project Planning, Development, Packing, Transportation, Construction of roads, pad s a support facilities, Assembly, Erection, Service & Maintenance, Commissioning. In Short we are Your Turnkey Solution to a fragmented world. Give Michael a call at 316-425-0232 Ext 205 or Ralph at Ext 204, Or you can reach Michael on his cell phone 316-295-6156 or Ralph at 316-295-6157. We look forward to hearing from you on your project. . .

Magenn Power Inc.

Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) is a Wind Power Anywhere solution with distinct advantages over existing Conventional Wind Turbines and Diesel Generating Systems including: global deployment, lower costs, better operational performance, and greater environmental advantages. MARS is a lighter-than-air tethered wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy. This electrical energy is transferred down the 1000-foot tether for immediate use, or to a set of batteries for later use, or to the power grid. Helium sustains MARS and allows it to ascend to a higher altitude than traditional wind turbines. MARS captures the energy available in the 600 to 1000-foot low level and nocturnal jet st. . ....

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