Wind Farm - Wind Power Plant Design Businesses in Honduras

Roatan Renewables - Vegas Electric -

Roatan Renewables - Vegas Electric

Roatan Renewable Energy is a subsidiary of Vegas Electric, Dixon Cove, Roatan that specializes in providing Renewable Energy (RE) for your home or business. Charles George (Vegas) is the only Certified Solar PV Installer in Roatan, Honduras and has been designing and installing Renewable Energy systems on Roatan and throughout Honduras and Latin America for 15 years. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Roatan Renewable Energy designs will address roof slant, overhanging trees blocking sunlight, or low wind as well as your budget constraints. Roatan Renewable Energy will individually design the right system for you to be the most effective, economical and expandable. We apply the principles of conservation, efficiency, location, energy n...

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